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  1. RocketMedic

    Paramedic Program that doesn't require immunizations?

    @Malkn you’d be super surprised to know some of the side effects of emergency medicine then…tons of stuff in there that probably doesn’t jive with Jebus. Not to mention the whole “medical electrocution” thing.
  2. RocketMedic

    Paramedic charged in patients death

    To me, it doesn’t matter if it was Ketamine, Roc or magic elixir. Respiratory failure (known consequence of ketamine and roc, albeit via different measures) was witnessed, identified and then not managed or reported. Incompetence, on grand display. In my opinion, to a criminal extent- she was...
  3. RocketMedic

    Paramedic Program that doesn't require immunizations?

    Two questions: @Malkn a huge component of this job involves seeing other people with different backgrounds and beliefs, interacting respectfully with them and working together to make the best of ethically-challenging situations. With your degree of religious fervor, you need to ask yourself if...
  4. RocketMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    Back after a year. Anything change?
  5. RocketMedic

    IDF Elite Unit 669 Rescues Wounded Soldiers From Inside Gaza

    Show me one insurgency ever defeated with firepower.
  6. RocketMedic

    IDF Elite Unit 669 Rescues Wounded Soldiers From Inside Gaza

    Out of the hospital under active shellfire? The one that’s still in use? Plus let’s not act like you’d be pushing a neonate incubator with someone else’s kid through the end of the world as you know it
  7. RocketMedic

    IDF Elite Unit 669 Rescues Wounded Soldiers From Inside Gaza

    Now maybe they’ll be some real badasses and retrieve the NICU kids the IDF has been casually starving for a few weeks out of the hospital-turned-war zone…
  8. RocketMedic

    Joining the USAR as a 68w; Worth it?

    **throws popcorn** So, you’re like the volunteer usher at the VA or something right?
  9. RocketMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    Details man!
  10. RocketMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    Given that the IDF has bombed targets with a very high concentration and number of civilians on the premise of a legitimate target that cannot be readily proven and that the same IDF has publicly and recently lied about shooting noncombatants and civilians in the past, I am not particularly...
  11. RocketMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    Like, does anyone else feel that there’s a blatant acceptance of bigotry in this thread where an Israeli life lost is mourned and it’s ok to be publicly supportive and all, but a Palestinian life lost is basically worthless and they were probably horrible terrorists anyway and that killing...
  12. RocketMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    Meanwhile, they beg for our support to keep pushing Palestinians off of their land, build more settlements and use American-sourced munitions to kill thousands of children on the guise of “fighting terror” in the open-air prison that they created and ran in collaboration with said terrorist gang.
  13. RocketMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    How is it biased to point out that everything Israel does ain’t necessarily appropriate, ethical or consistent with human decency? If they were targeting any other human population but Muslim Arabs, NATO would have peace-kept them 20 years ago.
  14. RocketMedic

    I feel so sorry for the poor crew that has to go to this call

    You know nothing of which you speak and should feel bad for being a recycled meme poster.
  15. RocketMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    Rant ahead. Don’t read if you don’t want honest, unbiased opinion. Tonight, an unknown number of our Palestinian colleagues are dead, because they were doing God’s work in the most hellish situation I can imagine. We will never know their names, but they should be remembered as heroes. Rest...
  16. RocketMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    Semiautomatic 22LR is addictivr
  17. RocketMedic

    Best Truck Chassis and Box

    Demers is hot garbage if anything actually breaks. Having to get wiring sources from Quebec is stupid. Also, terrible rear a/c. Frazier bilt for life!
  18. RocketMedic

    Mission Before Self

    Ironically, so are their Palestinian counterparts, who are being killed during emergency responses. Without making it too political, both Hamas and whatever IDF peeps are targeting first responders are objectively committing literal war crimes.
  19. RocketMedic

    That sexy dispatcher

    One meme is funny. Five is a little much. Put them in one thread. Also, the junior EMT in the corner-cutting meme has more seat time in this field than you ever will, so you should probably be a lot less smug. Guarantee that you’d get utterly humiliated by some rookie moves if you ever actually...
  20. RocketMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    Entirely dependent on you, but I simp hard for the semi-automatic Ruger 10/22 in a “home utility/defense” scenario if you’re living in an urban space and can only have one for some reason. You can find them everywhere, they’re as reliable as can be, they’re quiet and the .22LR doesn’t typically...