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    54 YOM arrives POV at your station stating he hasn't felt right today and just wants to get checked out. Pt goes on to state that he has an automated blood pressure cuff at home and when he took it a short time ago it was 100/52 with a HR in the 130's. What do you want to know?
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    Looking for a little flight advice

    This year will be my fourth year working for a private company that provides both 911 and IFT services for the county. It's not an overly busy system but we run ~10,000 calls annually and have fairly progressive protocols. We carry ventilators and IV pumps on every truck with standing order...
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    Thoughts on Littman 3100/3200?

    I dont have the best hearing in the world, thanks to chronic ear infections as kid. Basically im hoping this will be the ticket for me. Currently i have a littman classic II and ive been having some issues hearing with it, as well as some other problems. I used the search and found some...
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    How to stay sane in an interview?

    Had the biggest interview of my life yesterday, and im pretty sure i blew it because i was so nervous. I did good until they started asking me random medical questions and my brain took a giant crap. Screwing up questions like the dose of epi for anaphalaxis, and where in a 12 lead you would...
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    Looking for advice with current job

    So a little background, I am a new medic working at a small private ems company on 24 hour shifts. This is also my first EMS job. Since starting ive had nothing but problems with the company. Right now the 24 hour crew mainly posts at hospitals and tries to get transports from them. The...
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    Advice on new job i just started

    So I started my my first job in EMS today, its for an IFT company doing mainly dialysis transports. The people are great, and the pay is ok i guess, i should be making 13/hour after training, and ill be working on a 24 hour truck after I finish training. My problem is, after talking to some of...
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    Med school....pipe dream?

    So now that I’m done with paramedic school, I’m really becoming intrigued by the thought of going to med school. The problems I’m facing right now though are lack of funds; I’m already in debt due to some stupid purchases I decided to make. I didn’t do to well in high school, but not because I...
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    what the heck happened to my pt. today?

    Hx 47 yo Asian male. NMPHx, no meds, allergies ect. Basically a healthy male that has not been out of the country for 6-7 years. 3-4 months prior pt spiked a high fever~40C, it only lasted for a day and went away(unknown if pt had any other S/S during this time) Pt comes into ER today...
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    I think i earned a +1 to all the paramedics in the world today...

    or, at least the ones in this area. I was doing a deep night clinical for school last night/this morning when this happened. Hx-31yoM single car MVC head on collision at ~65mph into the dividing barrier in the HOV lane. On arrival the medics found the pt. unconscience GCSx3, pt restrained...
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    What is it about EMS personell that nurses/docs dont like?

    I had the worst experience of my life tonight with nurses. I was doing a rotation in the labor a delivery department at a hospital... It started when i was sent to an area that literally had 1 patient, when there are 7-ish areas with a whole lot more in each. I ended up sitting there...
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    What to do to further education?

    Currently I am in medic school, about to start the last semester which consists almost completely of in hospital clinicals and then field internship. The school i am attending is what many of you will call a medic mill, and while i am getting college credit hours for it, i will not be obtaining...
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    PSVT in a pedi causing pulmonary edema?

    Im not real sure where this should go but... Last week in class we were running through pedi assesments for PEPP. I cant remember exactly how the call came in, or the specifics on the pt. but from what i remember it was a ~10yo in SVT with SoB and low RaSpo2(i think it was around 85-90) with...
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    Your thoughts on UTSW/accelerated EMT-P programs

    I am currently attending UTSW's Paramedic program, and about a month into it. I was under the impression it was one of the better schools in the country until a few minutes ago when reading a post about it. For those that dont know, its an accelerated programs lasting ~ 6-7 months total, 4...