Search results

  1. C

    Who here is going from EMT to RN?

    me too bud Yes, I am on the same road. I am in a pre-nursing post-bacc program in San Francisco. I will be applying to BSN and MSN programs next year. I haven't ruled out PA school yet, but I will have a better idea in a few months. Good luck with pre-reqs everyone. If you are working at the...
  2. C

    EMT-B Sooner Then A Semester?

    I'm aware of a few in the bay area. better save your pennies!!
  3. C

    King American in SF

    it's always good to believe everything that you hear and read. That alone will get you far in life. that being said-getting a job running 911 in the city as a new EMT is a piece of cake, don't even sweat it....
  4. C

    Fair warning. I'm whining.

    haha. damn vene...that is poetic
  5. C

    King American Ambulance

    not really We do run 911 along with SFFD and AMR. All units are on the board, and get dispatched out according to proximity. The city won't release an actual breakdown of provider%, but a conservative estimate is 30% of the calls. We have one BLS car daily and every other car is ALS...
  6. C

    My partner banged out.

  7. C

    There's white stuff everywhere...

    twss sasha i love you. twss was perfect. happy ho-lidays.
  8. C

    Protransport or Royal?

    warning....bash Aprz i can't help but disagree. Glad you love PT and all, but have to point out 2 things off the bat. With that schedule screen shot you first glance it looks like tons and tons of open shifts! I loved it when they made that the new policy for pickups....until i...
  9. C

    Protransport or Royal?

    royal. PT-1 is a decent place to work, good people, new equipment, but that on call policy will make you want to swallow glass. With that said, take either and keep looking. I survived, and got out after 600 hours and 8 months.
  10. C

    EMT County Recertification the instructors are awesome, students are usually engaged, a little pricey but their game is tight.
  11. C

    Pro transport San Francisco

    yea they got ALS in SF and Santa Clara, hired 16 medics to start both counties, one rig dual medic 24/7. Also got the standby medical at Candlestick for the year. Good stuff. Bean dipper you still in the hunt for that H3 gig?
  12. C

    You know you are an EMT/Paramedic when...

    I totally feel that one.. Yea and at what point is -I just don't feel like working another day- going to be acceptable instead of coming up with another dental appt? I need to get over this whole not wanting to look like a slackarse thing. Sheesh...
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    My 2 year old just fell and scraped her knee.

    Dana that's awesome. What a mom...
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    I need some help here guys and girls. I have been lucky enough to land an interview with a 911 provider next week. In preparing for this interview I am doing the usual city protocal refresh, and skills. I am also practicing typical questions, such as why are you leaving company x, why do u want...
  15. C

    Jobs in san francisco for new EMT B

    Pro-transport, they hire new emts to do IFT. Also look up rockmed I think they do standby at concerts, and that would be volunteer, but could be good exp. guluck
  16. C

    Quick Question!

    FBlue is totally right, apply for everything you are interested in, and take the first job you get. And then......get experience and keep applying! Ramen isn't so bad, and IFT in CA pays better than 911 in many areas. Keep crackin, this is the tough part.
  17. C

    Is money this tight?

    Oh Beandip you have to tell me where you are working...I bet I know. Any cadillacs in your fleet?
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    I really want to work for AMR

    hey why don't you go p rick off on some nursing board mikedee. this is a family you are pissing on, and it doesn't look like you are trying to contribute anything positive.
  19. C

    Can we have an option for the old template?

    me thinks it very cool.
  20. C

    San Francisco Fire Dept EMT H3

    Congrats jgmedic. I hope you knock it out, gonna be a big turnout...