Search results

  1. nibejeebies

    Driving Policies and Proceedures

    I have the lovely task assigned of formalizing our current operations of the ambulances during emergency along with non emergency operation (driving). I an wondering if any one out there would be willing to share their current service or company driving polices? I am particularly...
  2. nibejeebies

    Furthering my Education

    Well here's the deal. In Tennessee, there are 4 levels of EMS provider. EMT EMT-IV (starts IVs with NS or LR) EMT-P CCEMT-P As you can see there is not a level that is up to par with NR EMT- I or NR EMT-A. Thus, I have been unable to locate a program that I can go through the...
  3. nibejeebies

    Ambulance Wreck
  4. nibejeebies

    Man Shoots Traffic Cam after it shot him. This is from 2007 but he just now went to court after several delays and was convicted.
  5. nibejeebies

    Cash Ambulance > Cash Cab

    Cash Cab anit got nothing on this!!!!!
  6. nibejeebies

    How Long before going to Paramedic school?

    Hi guys. I'm Ni, I come from a Law Enforcement Background, and Volunteer Fire Service. Got into EMS because I felt like I could help people more then sending them to Jail or Keeping them their. So I have gotten all my ducks in a row so to speak. Now working in EMS on a BLS 4 days a week...
  7. nibejeebies

    normal Turnaround for test results.

    So I am taking the NREMT-B tomarrow (thursday) at Noon. Say I finish the test at 1330hrs, Is it correct for me to assume that at 0130hrs Friday morning my results should be posted on NREMT.ORG? The 12 hour thing? Or is that just the luck of some people? basicly whats the Normal...
  8. nibejeebies

    Practical down!

    So I took my practical yesterday and failed on the sager traction splint. Missed the manual stabilization witch is a critical. they placed me in a holding room for about 3 hours with my skill check off sheets and I studied the all of it again. 3 hours go buy my name is recalled and...
  9. nibejeebies

    Practicals in one week, Nervous

    So my Practicals are next Thursday (April 30) and of course after those I get to schedule the comp. Any pointers? Words of Encouragement? Flowers for the Funeral Home if I Fail and my family murders me?