Search results

  1. D

    Nurse or Medic?

    Is it better to become a nurse or paramedic if you like to work on the ambulance? I have done 8 years of NYC 911 the system is different there than I have recently encountered in NJ. out of experience who can guide me in the rightful direction. I am debating on Nursing or Paramedic, I want to...
  2. D

    Winter time mountain seasonal ems ski patrol travel programs?

    So just curious if anyone has heard of such a thing or such a thing even exists. Is there such thing as travel programs for ems for the ski/snowboard season that require you to live in on a certain mountain for the season?
  3. D

    Can we work in Canada With National or State Certifications?

    Does anyone know the regulations with working in any of the Canadian Providences with our EMT certifications whether its National or State? At the moment I am a certified New York State EMT soon to be NREMT, but also want to be eventually become a medic would also be be nice to know if with...
  4. D

    NY to FL move..EMT Needs tips

    So I'm planning to move to Florida from NYC, I am a NYS EMT with NYC 911 experience and was wondering what I have to do to work in FL or if national registry is enough. Also does anyone have any tips on where would be the best places to work/find an EMT job in FL, decent pay to be able to live...