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  1. C

    2014 = ems hell

    It seems like as soon as the new year started the call volume has been outrageously high. Non stop in my area. I don't know what it is. My company has been breaking our highest call volume record constantly this past month. My question is, is it just us orrrrrrrrrrrr is all of EMS blowing...
  2. C

    Working Christmas Day

    Anyone working on Christmas day? Going to be my first time don't really know what to except as in call volume.
  3. C

    911 bids in 2015 (LA COUNTY)

    So the 911 bids are around the corner and ive been hearing many rumors about some companies losing/gaining 911 area. some things ive heard are, AmeriCare will lose all 911 maybe to CARE or McCormick, Cole Schaefer will lose the Foothills to AMR and some of they're Pomona Area to CARE...
  4. C

    EMT's checking BS

    Heard a rumor going around that in Jan.2014 EMT-B's will be able to check pt's Blood Suger. Anyone heard of anything? What do you all think? ^_^
  5. C

    AMR Employed

    Just got picked up by Irwindale AMR, anyone know what to expect for my first day or overall?:mellow:
  6. C

    Amr test

    Hello ladies and gentlemen, Im taking the American Medial Response (AMR) written test soon and was wondering what I should prepare for. Ive heard its like the NREMT but some more help would be great. Thanks!
  7. C

    FIRE and EMS problem.

    I work for a private company in LA County. one day my partner and I were coming back from a call when we came up on a pretty bad motorcycle TC. My partner and I both have fire experience as explorers so we both had a good idea of what to do. We go out grabbed the trauma bag, back board and...