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  1. Q

    Emt-B..cant find a job :/

    :mellow:Its been almost a year since I completed my EMT-B class and passed the NREMT, I have applied to a few places here in town and each time I get a 'going with other candidates'. Should I be trying to do volunteer work or ride alongs to make my resume more appealing, because I have no...
  2. Q

    What to expect after NREMT?

    So I passed my NREMT and I am waiting to receive my paperwork. I was just wondering for those of you who area already working as and EMT what should I expect when I actually get hired? Do they expect you to jump right in or is there a training period ?
  3. Q

    NREMT Re-take :/

    So I failed my first try on the test, and it states I can retake after 15 days. Its been more than 15 days and Im not sure where to reapply I tried looking at and .. anyone know where I go to re-apply?? thanks!
  4. Q

    NREMT ugh

    So I took my NREMT yesterday and Im not feeling very confident about it. I went in feeling really good, but some of the question rergarding scenarios really got me! I think I was really overthinking it :/ I feel like the information I have from class is not what I needed to be studing. :sad...
  5. Q

    Nremt b

    Taking the NREMT this Thursday so nervous . Any tips? ^_^