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  1. N

    How would you treat this patient? ALS or BLS?

    Although there's a chance the pt would benefit from ALS treatment, since my transport times are 10-15 minutes (ALS would take 5-10 to arrive), I would administer O2 via NC and transport BLS. If BLS scope in your area allows it, I would check BGL.
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    Hoboken, NJ EMT Stabbed

    Stay safe out there.
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    Free online CE's

    Here's a list of the ones the NJ will accept:
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    Epipens and Twinjects

    Here's a video showing that process:
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    Issue with course completion & practical skill verification

    I'm in the process of obtaining NREMT since I recently moved to a different state. I submitted the online application about 4 weeks ago and am still waiting for the course completion and practical skill verification to go through. I contacted my course instructor who said I had to contact a...
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    Ashi cpr

    Does NREMT accept ASHI CPR certification?
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    Have you found CISD to be effective? I know there's a lot of mixed opinions & research on this.
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    Inappropriate Pics Found on PT

    Giving a pt's name to LEO is not a violation of HIPAA. JEMS had an article about this recently:
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    The nice things a patient will do.

    We had a call at a home less than a block away from our base. After the call, the family would frequently bring us trays of food - they seemed to always have lots of people over. A few weeks ago, a pt's family member gave my crew and PD water bottles.
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    Anyone heard of using a BP cuff as a tourniquet?

    To avoid leaks, I've heard EMTs suggest tying the BP cuff tubes when using it as a TQ.
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    MA OEMS changes

    NJ doesn't use NREMT, so would I have to take the NREMT test or can I get reciprocity using my NJ certification?
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    MA OEMS changes

    Don't have any insight, but I'm moving to MA soon from NJ. Any tips on how to get reciprocity would be appreciated, especially since I need to maintain my NJ certification as well.
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    Medical Direction

    Also, since NJ has so many volunteer squads that do tons of stand by events, it may be hard to start something like this. MONOC's control over other major events may also be an issue.
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    Dealing with Family and Friends

    Yeah, I had my first code (DOA) when I was 16. I had a similar reaction from my mom. But like chaz said, they'll stop asking eventually.
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    Dealing with Family and Friends

    I think the best way to comfort your family & friends is to sincerely thank them for their concern and let them know you really appreciate them reaching out. Then go on to tell them that if you ever need to talk something out with someone, you'll go to them.
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    Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (NJ)

    As far as level 1 vs level 2 requirements in NJ, I heard that the only reason Morristown isn't a level 1 is that their OR isn't on the first floor.
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    Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (NJ)

    Thanks - I always thought UMDNJ and Cooper were the only Level 1s in NJ.
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    Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (NJ)

    When did RWJ become a Level 1?
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    EMTs writing ALS refusals

    Since NJ has its own unique system of ALS response, any patient refusing transport and/or treatment has to sign 2 RMAs - one from the BLS agency and one from the ALS agency.
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    Thanks for the tips! It makes much more sense know.