Thanks for the referral wtferick. FYI, we've changed practice a little and have now opened up a few attendant only positions for candidates who are under 21. We're still hiring, actually like every other provider we're always hiring.
Sorry DrParasite. Didn't see your post. The annualized starting salary depends on the shift you get on. It varies from $32,727.00 to $41,470.00 /year. The low end is for 4/10's the high is for the CDF 72hr shifts. This does not include non-factored OT or benefits, which are also considered...
Sorry. Just saw your post. We have 5 and are looking to add more. We are also transitioning shifts to kelly's so there is s need to hire more EMTs. We've also opened up a few attendant only positions for applicants who are under 20 1/2 and can't meet our insurance underwriting guidelines.
ITBITB13, Yes, you're wrong. We are not primarily IFT. Our call volume is greater than 50% 911 calls and we have more than one fire rig. You might be confusing us with Drs. which only has 1 dedicated fire unit. EMTs move on and off our fire units all of the time so saying slim to none is a...
We made some changes to the process and they're detailed on the links in the applicant tracking system. Please feel free to call our HR office at 714) 729-1225 if you have any questions,
Job Position/Title: EMT Driver or Attendant
Contact: Human Resources – (714) 729-1225
Phone Number/Website of Company: 714-990-1742 /
Submission Deadline: 6/30/18
As stated in previous threads, Emergency Ambulance Service (EAS) is seeking applicants for open...
I depends on what you consider slow. We're certainly not Care or McCormick but our crews don't just sit around. We received just shy of 10,000 9-1-1 requests last year, an average of over 27 a day.
Hey All. Reposting to meet EMT Life's guidelines.
Job Position/Title: EMT
Contact: Human Resources – (please NO telephone inquiries)
Phone Number/Website of Company: 714-990-1742 /
Submission Deadline: 11/30/17
As stated in a...
EAS is seeking applicants for upcoming EMT positions. We provide transportation in the LA and OC areas and respond to both IFT and YES, 911 calls. If any of you are interested in applying please check out our website. If you do decide to apply please make sure you meet all of the prerequisites...
Javier, Please go ahead and apply anyway. There's always the possibility that an attendant only position would be available. Our biggest handicap is our insurer. They pretty much don't budge on the driver underwriting guidelines. I'd like to see your application anyways
Let me clarify. The fire medics handle the ALS and ride with our BLS crews. That's the way it works in the OC. We essentially contract the services of the FD and pass dollars back to them for providing the ALS services.
The company's nurses do IFT work - both ALS calls and the CCTs. Without...