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  1. bigbaldguy


    Welcome to the forum :)
  2. bigbaldguy

    Hurricane Florence

    Be safe all. Sending positive thoughts your way.
  3. bigbaldguy

    GSW hypotension/brady

    Sorry, backing up to packing the wound. Is it possible to pack a 9mm entry wound without risking further injury in this scenario. I've only seen one comparable wound in a calf (police issue 9mm). Exit wound could have been packed but entrance wound was very small.
  4. bigbaldguy

    EMS Diversity and inclusion

    Racism exists in all fields and yes this includes EMS. I've seen it first hand and while I have no experience in management I have zero doubt that it exists there as well. Not in every instance, but only a fool would argue that there is no racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia or ableism in...
  5. bigbaldguy


    I was assisting an ill passenger durring my day job (I'm a flight attendant) dude blew chunks all over my uniform, pants and shoes. Had to work 3 more flights that way. The good news was nobody asked me for anything :) only time I've been poked on (knock on wood).
  6. bigbaldguy

    Cadaver lab

    Here in Houston we have an excellent cadaver lab which I was privileged enough to spend several hours at. I'm curious to know if others had this experience.
  7. bigbaldguy

    The Future of EMS

    Probably already mentioned but I suspect in 20 years the training required to be a paramedic will be much more akin to that of a PA (possible higher). On the other hand constant contact with higher level providers durring calls could create Paramedic drones.
  8. bigbaldguy

    EMS Diversity and inclusion

    So hiring diversity means lowering standards?
  9. bigbaldguy

    EMS Diversity and inclusion

    I think it's important to have a diverse workforce regardless of the industry. That said those agencies I've had any contact with are mostly white males (and maybe 5 percent white females) with very little diversity. However most of my experience has been in Texas and in a very homogenous part...
  10. bigbaldguy

    GSW hypotension/brady

    Bullet fragments could have gone anywhere. Nicked plenty of things and as you said definite suspicion of spinal injury. Sounds like you did as well as possible considering. As NPO said your options are limitied outside a trauma center. The short run time probably saved him. If it were me there...
  11. bigbaldguy


    If it's a religious issue than you should be fine. Granted it it isn't NYFD but here in Houston waivers are allowed for verifiable religious reasons.
  12. bigbaldguy

    the 100% directionless thread

    You're gonna love it. I fell in love with that town. I'd still be there if my roommate hadn't bailed on me 4 months in. She met some boy in Shreveport Louisiana online and pulled up stakes and moved. Check out voodoo donuts. I lived a 3 minute walk from there. Also Cheeseman park is pretty cool...
  13. bigbaldguy

    Now can we stop using NS?

    We took off Dopamine from commercial aircraft EMKs but now 2 years later it's back. I think it had more to do with the shortage than effectivness.
  14. bigbaldguy

    LSD 25 and 1p LSD

    Probably covered in the past but with the increasing incidents of so called "research chemical" 1P LSD I thought it worth a discussion. For those that don't know 1P LSD is a prodrug that converts to LSD when consumed. As it isn't technically LSD it's legal to buy online. I'm curious if anyone...
  15. bigbaldguy

    Am I getting fired?

    Go to school if it's at all possible. The older you get the harder it is to go back. It took me 18 years to finish my degree at 36. Youth is a commodity you don't want to waste.
  16. bigbaldguy

    the 100% directionless thread

    o_O Huh? This all seems overly brow furrowing.
  17. bigbaldguy

    the 100% directionless thread

    Yup they're dead. Good job though. If you get the chance follow up with the patient outcome. If they beat the very long odds and pull through I'd be interested to hear about it.
  18. bigbaldguy

    New here

    Welcome Bourne :) The Dr is right. Skip the AEMT and save up for your P card. AEMT is great for volunteer work but paid gigs rarely care. Texas is a decent place for medics (and basics). Here in Houston you'll always have a job and the cost of living is reasonable at least compared to most of...
  19. bigbaldguy

    Traveling paramedic?

    When I was looking into it most of the offers for paid moves and incentives were for Alaska. Was maybe 6 years ago. Decided I was too old to play that game though. Would have been fun in my 20s though. To clarify these were options I found were for straight out of school medics. For a medic...
  20. bigbaldguy

    the 100% directionless thread

    Nice, congrats.