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  1. FLMedic311

    32 yr old mom, looking to bounce into the ems field.

    As far as the courses go I will jump in the foot on each half group. I really think the most important thing is that you are moving forward towards your goal. The path you take is up to you and like all things in life different paths have different benefits and shortcomings. Understanding...
  2. FLMedic311

    Best city/EMS service to work as a paramedic?

    Dare I say it.......? ...KCM1...
  3. FLMedic311

    Paramedic in Canada?? US Permanent Resident

    Check, it is what I was presuming but I wanted to make sure. @Ziiiiziiii, I think that is a good idea. Having personally gone through the process of obtaining my ACP in BC and then trying to get hired with BCAS. In short, I will say it would most likely be a futile effort.. Thousands of...
  4. FLMedic311

    Paramedic in Canada?? US Permanent Resident

    Just Curious who is we??
  5. FLMedic311

    Rialto Fire: 71% Neurologic Intact Cardiac Arrest Survival Rate?

    Just to be clear, I was referring to the Chart that you posted above. I am not sure where the quote is from, I presume a JEMS article, but I will say that in light of that statement I can most definitely see your angst with that statement. It is most definitely not phrased very well.
  6. FLMedic311

    Rialto Fire: 71% Neurologic Intact Cardiac Arrest Survival Rate?

    I am sorry, but there is nothing disingenuous with their statement at all. It very clearly states that ROSC Utsein Criteria is what they are using. Your lack of appreciation for their method of reporting does not constitute false reporting.
  7. FLMedic311


    Love EMRAP, well worth the subscription!
  8. FLMedic311

    Identify LVO

    Using LAMS Score here
  9. FLMedic311

    Top states to be an EMT or Paramedic

    Thank you @VentMonkey, I also humbly accept you 7/10!:) For the people who say it is not for them, I want to say that I totally get it! It is not going to be and without a doubt, I imagine if a poll was done that the majority of people would not be for it. But also understand that we do hire...
  10. FLMedic311

    Top states to be an EMT or Paramedic

    I humbly accept this 6/10, and promise a stronger effort in the future! Thank you for your continued support!
  11. FLMedic311

    Top states to be an EMT or Paramedic

    Not a lot of people will say Washington. For a few reasons. As a whole, this state is not actually a great state to be a Paramedic in. King County being the outlier. I do find it interesting however how riled up people get about going through medic school again. - Is it stressful? Yes - Do you...
  12. FLMedic311

    Paragod PVC morale patches

    Did you make the Magnet one too?? Epic
  13. FLMedic311

    Paragod PVC morale patches

    Dude! Love the patches!!
  14. FLMedic311

    So I just saw this..

    So I wasn't the only one who thought it was cringe worthy, whew
  15. FLMedic311

    So I just saw this..

  16. FLMedic311

    Keeping Your Cool

    "Fake it till you make it". You will hear it a lot! Because in a sense it is true and also because different people learn differently. So until you can get a few years under your belt to really find your own here a couple tips that may help. 1. Meditation- This may sound silly but I am not...
  17. FLMedic311

    Dopamine in Sepsis?

    I would like to add that while I completely agree that there is not enough evidence to say that Levo is the hands down best first line pressor. I disagree that Dopamine is an acceptable first line for any service. There is more then enough evidence to support that there is an increased...
  18. FLMedic311

    Dopamine in Sepsis?

    Interesting, and once again not accusing but on that theory are you guys carrying/using vasopressin?
  19. FLMedic311

    Dopamine in Sepsis?

    I don't mean this to be a sarcastic question, but why? Has anybody stated a reason for this protocol I am curious! Thanks!
  20. FLMedic311

    Intubation tips?

    @CWATT, just to clarify, my intention was not to say they are the same thing as much as saying that they are both outdated.. Thus my mention of ELM and Bi manual laryngoscopy.. I should have been more clear and understand and apologize for any confusion I may have caused.