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  1. C

    A Funny Thing Happened... (circle one)

    Thought I'd share a trick that my mom taught me. (Insert momma's boy comment here) Hydrogen Peroxide will take out most any organic stain ie: blood or grass. Obviously it wont disinfect, so a little bleach wont hurt either, but the peroxide is much more colorsafe than any bleach when you're...
  2. C

    Heard in my EMT-B class.

    Our EMS chief just got hit by the best projectile vomit I've ever seen, it was priceless!!!! 30ft fall.... pt wasnt feeling too well.
  3. C

    What make/model monitor do you have on the rig?

    Lifepak 12's on the ambulance and heavy rescue.
  4. C

    Suspect Takes an Ambulance for a Joy Ride

    Thats the funny thing... I work in BFE... But I guess they have to cover their you-know-what, better safe than sorry, and all that junk.
  5. C February Contest!

    If new members Re: my post doesn’t count or disqualifies me from the contest I understand. It honestly wasn’t my intention to cheat or be unfair. In retrospect, I can see how it seems that way. Sorry guys and gals!!!! :(
  6. C

    Suspect Takes an Ambulance for a Joy Ride

    That sucks! Our department requires that someone stay with the ambulance at all time when its in service. Sucks to be the driver, just sit and watch... I guess thats the reason why though.
  7. C


    What? ME? Cheat??? :huh:
  8. C


    Oooooh, I didnt think of that! In that case, theres 32 guest on now... if a few of them happend to drop my name I guess that would be ok... hehehe :rolleyes:
  9. C


    Just noticed that there are 11 guests on right now... come on, register!!! It’s a fun group with lots of info. You know you want to... :D
  10. C

    Be a surgeon!

    Very cool! Where do you find this stuff?
  11. C

    Cost of Administrating Oxi Sensor

    It's total BS. I worked in billing for a large clinic (not to be confused with a FREE clinic - nothing about this place is free). I can’t count the number of pts that screamed at me in my two years of employment there. The ENT department loved one procedure that cost somewhere around...
  12. C

    Passing the NR Exam

    Until this year IL only required a state license. That changed Jan 1 though. Those of us who only have a state licensed are "grandfathered" in, and can also take a state test for Intermediate and Paramedic. That being said, who knows when they will stop writing I and P tests at the state...
  13. C

    Passing the NR Exam

    I'll be over in the other corner... :huh:
  14. C

    EMS Whacker Stuff

    what about first aid supplies??? [/b] Who cares about that junk as long as my car looks cool!!! Ok, right. I carry just the basic stuff: BP kit, CPR mask, trauma scissors, pen light, maglight, lots-o-gloves, ALS field guide, some bulky dressing, some 4x, and a partridge in a pear tree.
  15. C

    EMS Simulator

    I tried to log on last night, I thought I had a bunch of spyware or something that was keeping me from viewing certain pages.. guess not. Bummer. :(
  16. C

    EMS Whacker Stuff

    I have a 5-O blue dash light, clear corner strobes, and clear strobes in my tail lights(so they flash red). I dont think that makes me a wacker... a dork maybe...
  17. C

    Well if this EMT thing doesn't work out....

    OMG - I have two people in my class like that...only they aren't ghetto kids...they they claim to be... "COWBOYS"... In Orlando Florida.... can you believe that??? :blink: [/b] Yea, I had a whole class of "cowboys." Yet they all lived in town...
  18. C

    funny pics

    GOOD LORD!!!!
  19. C


    Central IL here. Head into the cornfield and take a left.
  20. C

    EMS Whacker Stuff

    OOOOOOOOOOOOhhhh, I get it.