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  1. piranah

    the 100% directionless thread

    as am i my friend...but i havnt even started...sept 7th
  2. piranah

    the 100% directionless thread

    my GF just left for college again...not a happy piranah...but on a brighter note i just turned 21..HOOT!!
  3. piranah

    Dear EMT

    pull out the bottle.... powder up and start slappin' jk
  4. piranah

    So I was talking to a Basic from Long Island yesterday...

    congrats..i was just in long island for the day on weds
  5. piranah

    Worst Monitor Interpretation Ever.

    12-lead wont matter if as your taking the time to get it they code....i would immediately pace and consider atropine but it won't work....12-lead takes a back step when it comes to unstable bradycardia
  6. piranah

    Describe How You Met Your Significant Other

    well i suspect you will recieve a lot of creepy PM now that you made it public your just kidding...or am i..yes..i am
  7. piranah

    Dear EMT

    just slightly confused...but hell why not lol :P
  8. piranah

    Cardiopulmonary Thump

    I work with a crew that got a refusal on a cardiac arrest..(i saw the written report and strips)...found 80something year old guy supine breathing unconscous put on monitor viewed SR downgraded to v-fib..very old experienced tech did precordial thump..converted to SR guy woke up A+Ox4 signed...
  9. piranah

    Dear EMT

    ya I've had to talk to a few EMT's I was a basic with who need to get used to the idea that its my treatment plan...
  10. piranah

    Describe How You Met Your Significant Other

    I was downtown in my city hanging out, when my friend drove by yelling my name I hopped in my car and followed her...we both pulled over and I met her friend who was driving..introduced myself and later asked her out.....we both had an AMAZING time and the rest is history....
  11. piranah

    Top 10 reasons why I became an EMT.

    chicks digg it....
  12. piranah


    its easier to go from RI to mass than it is ma to RI....because no matter to get your RI you need your national.
  13. piranah

    anyone else get the new iphone 4?

    because the iphone is amazing..i love mine..
  14. piranah

    My 1st week of paramedic school

    funny..or scary i havent decided which
  15. piranah

    My 1st week of paramedic school

    i feel i have an idea what med school will be like seeing as i had no social life for 2 years straight during medic school...get ready for the start of the end of a social life...:) its a right of passage really..
  16. piranah

    the 100% directionless thread

    just decided that med school is a real option...I might have just started on a path that will make me or break me....
  17. piranah

    Top 10 reasons why I became an EMT.

    some of these amaze me but its ok...umm was gunna go to nursing school then took an EMt class to see if i liked medicine..loved it took my paramedic immediately and far im good at least i think i am....:)
  18. piranah

    147 Questions and I failed.

    Not female friendly are you kidding me..guess it depends on where you are..most of my partners are female and we work great together..
  19. piranah


    We have one on our newest class 3 works lolol
  20. piranah

    The worst thing on a new day with a new partner

    Nevermind you didnt gdt it... Anyway...breaking ribs is going to happen while doing CPR no matter what...ive also fx the sternum it happens when your doin good quality hard,fast CPR...