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  1. Lo2w

    first call of the day is...

    Ehh...we couldn't confirm who actually **** the bed. SNF claims they informed our dispatch of patient needs and equipment.
  2. Lo2w

    first call of the day is...

    We don't have vents on my 911 so I've bagged plenty of SNF patients who were vent dependant.
  3. Lo2w

    first call of the day is...

    On my PRN IFT: As usual the schedule is screwy, the medics aren't in and its just me (EMT) and the other truck's EMT. Dispatch drops a trip from the nursing home that had been scheduled overnight for abnormal labs. Dispatch asks us to go over (right down the street) and see what's going on and...
  4. Lo2w

    the 100% directionless thread

    Picked up PRN shift at my side gig with the IFT...we pulled in to ED bay on a transfer to see my full time service in all 5 spots, 2 in the overflow and 2 more trucks coming down the street. Reasons I don't work OT at the 911 for 500 Alec.
  5. Lo2w

    the 100% directionless thread

    Our night crew did a swap into a spare for our mainline's regular maintenance. Made a big deal about how they got the only one with the locking drug cabinet. It was either 2nd or 3rd day on for us so we didn't do as complete of a check. Got to our second call and my partner went to go grab our...
  6. Lo2w

    the 100% directionless thread

    PT today thought Bush was the president, I didn't think to ask which one.
  7. Lo2w

    the 100% directionless thread

    PT requested a room and a TV as we wheeled into the ED, "not one of those hall beds"... Didn't have the heart to tell them it wasn't the Holiday Inn.
  8. Lo2w

    the 100% directionless thread

    No clue ... Left them to fill while I went inside the Stop 'n Rob. Came back out: "We have a problem, it's not working" OK "So I did this" - (swipes gas card, enters mileage) Right... "Then this" (nozzle in the tank) Uh huh (Partner presses the diesel button) "And see? Doesn't work" I...
  9. Lo2w

    the 100% directionless thread

    Taught my partner how to pump gas today
  10. Lo2w

    Cleveland EMS - closing 8/17

    I won't blow smoke up is a goofy system. EMTs are required to complete medic school in 2 years. I believe that is the justification for the pay. Medics do see several step increases over their first few years that pulls them away from the EMTs. I wouldn't sell this as a gig for an...
  11. Lo2w

    Cleveland EMS - closing 8/17

    Job Posting 216-664-2493 601 Lakeside Avenue Cleveland, Ohio, 44114 EMT's start $16.95 per hour. Typical base of $41k/year with built in OT and more Paramedics start $17.84 per hour. Typically base of $45k/year with built in OT and more. Can easily clear $50k+ without trying very hard Current...
  12. Lo2w

    the 100% directionless thread

    Started the morning with my senior female telling me how cute i was as I did a 12 lead. Ended the night arriving on scene with PT detained by PD. Walk towards the car to see the LEO who is searching the car turn around with a 9", coke can width, suction cup dildo in [gloved] hand. It's been a day
  13. Lo2w

    the 100% directionless thread

    No idea what was in the water today. I think we hit 14 runs in what turned into a 14 hour day. Also learned a valuable lesson on truck checks at the start of the shift.
  14. Lo2w

    Life outside of EMS?

    I'm working to get to better work/life balance. It wasn't an easy relocation to take this job and I've been working a lot of extra to make up for the pay cut during the academy process. Medic school next year and then hopefully I can start to relax. I did just get my fishing liscense and plan to...
  15. Lo2w

    New emt

    IFT or 911? If it's transports you'll be lucky to get a day or so of orientation before it's sink or swim. 911 tends to be decent about a period of time as a 3rd working with some type of FTO. Probably the big things: - know what you don't know. Ask for help if you haven't touched something...
  16. Lo2w


    Not too worried, Army gave me a Secret clearance.
  17. Lo2w


    What did you enjoy about it?