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  1. 325Medic

    Hazmat Paramedic Training/Certification

    I have taken the class (paid by the county / anti-terrorism) 2 times and learned things both times. Good class and it really breaks it down in the book to the cellular level. 325.
  2. 325Medic

    Special Operations

    We have both a MIRT(think of SWAT @ the county level) and Technical Rescue (USAR Medical specialists for the county USAR team. I am part of both. Tac med is paid, USAR is a vollie component. I completed my USAR medical training in Harrisburg @ the federal level x few years back and just...
  3. 325Medic

    IO Devices: Drills vs. Guns

    We use the EZ-IO, both adult, pedi and bariatric for large people and humerous. I have yet to preform a humerous drill but have preformed dozens of the legs on adults and just preformed one on a pedi code a few weeks back. 325.
  4. 325Medic

    What do you have in your pockets?

    Spyderco Endura knife, Leatherman on belt, narc keys / o2 wrench and a pocket guide. I wear a radio strap also but do not keep anything on the strap it self. My full time job does not wear BDU type pants but the part time job does. I don't like the pockets though but really dont care. 325.
  5. 325Medic

    Indiana County, PA

    Where at in Bucks are you taking school, Bensalem E.M.S.? 325.
  6. 325Medic

    How old were you?

    18 when I joined the Army as a medic. I am now 35 and a paramedic. 325.
  7. 325Medic

    CCPC in PA?

    Haven't heard anything like that but who knows. 325.
  8. 325Medic

    Flight Medic Boots??

    I am not a flight medic but I do wear my original Corcorans from back in the day @ times. F.M.
  9. 325Medic

    Difficult Airway Course

    I have taken Dr. Levitans course twice also. Great course and nice guy. It was free for us both times though the squad and hospital (hospital was our medical directors hospital). F.M.
  10. 325Medic

    Mci ?

    Yes on both also. 325.
  11. 325Medic

    "Cop Drops"

    We as in the tac medics for the MIRT / warrant squad are training the officers to stop bleeding / place T.Q.'s and pack wounds with Q.C. in the possibility that the P.D. transport themselves in our area. We are in the burbs of Philly but in a realitive bad area of the burbs and our medical...
  12. 325Medic

    Self defense

    Damn right! I have taken Krav Maga in the past and used to carry one of those 2 C cell mag lights until I read an article on how the lawyers call them lead pipes. I used to call it Bronson, after some show I watched.:rofl: Now I am older and wear pratically nothing on my belt including no...
  13. 325Medic

    Your Gear?

    We also have high vis 5.11 jackets and rescue gloves. Alot of us were issued radio straps and I wear mine / so does my partner. Oh yea, safety glasses but I wear my own from ESS cause I got vomit one too many times in the eye. The squad I work for full time is good with protecting us. They got a...
  14. 325Medic

    Your Gear?

    We use the Firedex USAR gear with Haix zip boots and Bullard blue helmets / googles. We do everything but fight fire with the gear / not fire rated. 325.
  15. 325Medic

    Hey Airborne...What unit were you in? As you can tell, I was 325 / 2nd batt. 325.

    Hey Airborne...What unit were you in? As you can tell, I was 325 / 2nd batt. 325.
  16. 325Medic

    EMS Stores

    The Fire Store in Downingtown, P.A. has a sub store called The EMS Store. They have lots of medical stuff / so does the Fire Store. 325.
  17. 325Medic

    Books: EKG, Pharmacology, and Paramedic Companion for sale

    Hey brother... Why not keep the books as reference in the future? I am just asking and if I am out of line, I will draw fire elsewhere... 325.
  18. 325Medic

    reference material

    E-Medicine is good. Run by M.D.'s and D.O.'s and gets deep into pathophysiology of illness / trauma. I agree that Jems and EMS world is blah anymore... 325.
  19. 325Medic

    EMS Physicians responding

    Our Medical director rides once a week on the squad / or occ. responds to bad calls and I find it refreshing that he does that. He stands back and lets us do our thing and if we need assistance, he will help. He still rides as a medic in a neighboring county so it works out well. Getting...
  20. 325Medic

    Sound Off (Introduction Thread)

    Yep. 2nd BCT. Back in the mid 90's there was not BCT's though. Things have changed brother. Thanks for serving also. I miss my 11B bros. / I was their medic / for Bco.2/325. 325.