Search results

  1. Tactical Medic

    Bullet Holes?

    when I worked in The Bronx we had a bus with 5-6 holes/dents made by bullets, the glass was all repaired but the crew requested that the holes not be fixed :lol: Another story is of a crew responding to a call on e161 street, near Yankee stadium, they were stuck in some traffic and blaring...
  2. Tactical Medic

    Terrified! (kind of longish)

    Its real nice of you that you didn't report that moron, cause I wouldv'e... That guy does not need to be driving in such a manner, I had one EMT (for a side gig in NYC) that got a cell call from the dispatcher (who needed a "favor") this EMT starts the bus and drives Code 3 to the other side of...
  3. Tactical Medic

    My First Time!

    Ummmm maybe were you work :lol: just like a woman to go shopping when there is a new catalog in her mailbox :P Have fun....
  4. Tactical Medic

    looking for pics, studies, research- Sept 11th.

    Well its been 5 years now and I have been asked to give a power point presentation on the EMS response to the WTC attack. I'm looking for anyone from the tri-state area who has pics of their units going to the scene, staging, or transporting. I have plenty of FDNY EMS and Volly hospital...
  5. Tactical Medic

    "Heroin" Overdoses

    it's all a "bad batch" thats why it illigal <_< I remember having 6 people all OD within a half hour on the same intersection, Just my suggestion, and go by your local proticals but if you can avoid an IV do it.... Most of these IVDA's are HIV/HBV etc. Worse thing you can do to yourself is...
  6. Tactical Medic

    I'm's a picture of fire dept. hq and training grounds and more

    LOL, you don't know me from a hole in the wall, you don't know how long I have been in the game, and I don't know what denial is? Don't insult my intelligence :wacko: now your making it personal, I don't know anything about you but assume that you care about the people in your area, and that is...
  7. Tactical Medic

    I'm's a picture of fire dept. hq and training grounds and more

    WTF is everyone saying I'm freakin paranoid and dwelling on what happened 4 and half years ago? Yes you can get the info from the phone book, but how many terrorist have access to your phone book, from a cave in afganastan? I don't think so..... BUT they do have access to computers, as I said...
  8. Tactical Medic

    I'm's a picture of fire dept. hq and training grounds and more

    Why do you think I fear anything? your all getting this wrong, would any one of us walk into the sceen of a shooting without scene safety? We would like to know of hazards before getting in the mix, how about keying your radio at a bomb threat call? Its all the same WE need to be careful of the...
  9. Tactical Medic

    I'm's a picture of fire dept. hq and training grounds and more

    Beaten? on our knees? your reffering to me I guess, well I have been in this from the get go, I WAS at the WTC on Sept 11th, my unit deployed to Iraq, I volly for a 2nd tour, I'm on my way to Eastern Europe for a humanitarian mission, yes I dont take this lightly, WE as medical professionals...
  10. Tactical Medic

    I'm's a picture of fire dept. hq and training grounds and more

    I don't think so, back in the 40s the saying was loose lips sink ships and another is mums the word. let us never forget the 343 AND all the other EMS, Police, civilians that were fell victim to terrorist. Let us never forget our brothers and sisters who right now are fighting take a breath, and...
  11. Tactical Medic

    Ambulance Driver = EMT = Medic

    Back from the dead? would this be considered a pre-hospital save :lol: :lol:
  12. Tactical Medic

    I'm's a picture of fire dept. hq and training grounds and more

    I certainly understand what you just said, its called "freedom of information act" BUT if someone wants to find that out let them do their own damn research, there is no reason why WE should freely give that information out. When someone ask me "how many engines we have?" or "how many...
  13. Tactical Medic

    Ambulance Driver = EMT = Medic

    Yes thats fair, BTW disassociative, I will never call a Doctor "medic" I don't know which "lifeflight" you work on but our local "flight medic" is a PARAMEDIC... BTW they also have "flight nurse" and they are known as NURSE.... But for the layperson I think the term "medic" should be used, I...
  14. Tactical Medic

    Interview questions

    I told them I just want to get paid :P Strengths- Hard worker, hate to be late, usually sent home sick, since I try to never miss a day of work. Weaknesses- Sometimes buff good jobs nearby :blush: then I give them my resume.... Funny thing is I ALWAYS get hired :lol: I wouldn't...
  15. Tactical Medic

    I'm's a picture of fire dept. hq and training grounds and more

    Thats cool, now every wannabe terrorist will have a map of your fire dept training site :wacko:
  16. Tactical Medic

    Tough Choices

    I would have to go with the first one UNLESS there is a reason to move.... Basicly I had to do the 2nd one because of circumstances that happened at home (post WTC).... I took a 15,000 reduction in pay, credit went down the drain, actually do 2 jobs in one..... BUT I love my job AND provided a...
  17. Tactical Medic

    Such a good shift!

    A good shift for me is one that I don't have to work :lol: What you had my friend was a BUSY shift there is nothing good about a stabing or GSW, I don't classify between good and bad.... There all bad to me. I rather use terms busy, slow, or no hitter.... But I can understand how you feel I...
  18. Tactical Medic

    Ambulance Driver = EMT = Medic

    Hey all, I'm a Paramedic but never mind being called EMT, Medic, Paramedic, or Doc. I think the term medic most laypeople would find to be more easer to use/understand especially in an emergency. I don't mind sharing my title with EMTs I think its a great idea especially since the EMTs I have...
  19. Tactical Medic

    Hello to all- New member :)

    Hey peeps, just introducing myself. I'm from Cent Florida and have been a medic since '92. Like most Floridians I'm from up north (The Bronx actually) where I started my EMS career. I worked for NYC*EMS and was there for the merger with FDNY :glare: Anyway after Sept 11 I decided to move...