Search results

  1. BossyCow

    CPR Instructor Course?

    I provide classes both through agencies and on my own. Most agencies will allow you to use their manikins if you agree to do some teaching for them on a vollie basis. At the cost of the manikins, well worth the investment.
  2. BossyCow

    Officially and politically correctly: Liars.

    We assess each pt by the same criteria. What are their vitals, how do they look, is there a visible MOI? As far as refusing to transport, each agency should have a protocol for refusal. Both when the pt refuses and when we refuse. The only person I have 'refused' to transport was the boyfriend...
  3. BossyCow

    Help! Choking! Nothing is working!

    I'm amazed at how many taught layperson CPR and FBAO with Red Cross and AHA are coming up with this type of misunderstanding. The rescue breath attempts are not attempts to dislodge the item with your breath or the BVM. These are not pressure washers or air compressors. It is an attempt to...
  4. BossyCow


    Most europeans are multi-lingual. Being able to understand more than one language is a life skill unrelated to your beliefs on the policies of immigration. It amazes me how many americans are offended at the suggestion that they learn how to speak more than one language. I speak english...
  5. BossyCow

    Firefighter Rehab

    We have an evaluation of all firefighting personnel after they go through their first bottle of air or when they exit a burning structure. All vitals must be wnl in order to return. Any unable to meet that standard is set in a rehab area away from the fireground with their bunker gear off...
  6. BossyCow

    The future of EMS

    ROFL..... okay.. I gotta assume that the nick 'flamemedic' has more to do with your role on a forum than your association with a fire department. I'm sure your post will start an intelligent, thoughtful discussion. A mature review of the issues in a respectful and non adversarial manner. Let...
  7. BossyCow

    Are You Prepared or Just a Wacker?

    We are forbidden to carry our bunker gear in our POVs. The toxins imbedded in the gear from previous fires combined with the heat and enclosed space of the car combines to make a nasty cancer cocktail.
  8. BossyCow

    the 100% directionless thread

    If the rototiller is a Sears model, don't waste your time. Just chuck it.
  9. BossyCow

    Accident whilst at sea Thaughts and advice

    I would base my treatment on the pt and the situation. I wouldn't put a tourniquet on unless there was a lot of bleeding unrelieved by other methods. With some traumatic amputations there can be enough of a crush injury to actually lessen the bleeding. Manage the bleeding, treat for shock...
  10. BossyCow

    Suggestions on a SAR Medical Training Manual?

    I serve as an officer for both my SAR unit and my EMS agency so I tend to look at things from a bit of a different perspective. In order to be legally effective in limiting liability, your training programs and guidelines need to meet the expectations of the SOGs. So instead of putting the...
  11. BossyCow

    Benefit of Psychology

    Aside from the benefit for dealing with pts with Psych issues, the general understanding of how the human brain functions, learns and reacts was invaluable to me.
  12. BossyCow

    Stethoscope - The Mega Thread

    The mega pack of index cards for making flash cards. Tape recorder for taping lectures. A really good, sturdy pair of comfortable shoes.
  13. BossyCow

    EMT-B needs to get a job

    My best suggestion would be to search this forum for interview and job application threads. There are about a billion of them and most of what anyone is going to post has already been posted on one of these. Good Luck!
  14. BossyCow

    Scared of Needles.

    Needles seriously do not bother me. I guess I have a high pain threshold or something. I generally will volunteer to be the pincushion for new IV techs. Even let a fellow student start a 14 on me in class. Seriously, doesn't hurt and doesn't bother me. However... I am a sympathetic retcher...
  15. BossyCow

    Quick O2 Question!

    Why would you use a BVM on a pt who is breathing fine on his own? If he's moving air on his own, let him continue. I'd watch him like a hawk for a change in that condition but I wouldn't intervene until the interventions are necessary.
  16. BossyCow

    Why they call us ambulance drivers.

    That is sooooo what is going through my head at 02:45 when I'm helping the drooling, obese, diabetic CHF pt off the commode and back to bed.
  17. BossyCow

    Do you laugh?

    Inappropriate giggling or laughing is a common stress response. People have been known to get the giggles at funerals. A friend of mine gets it whenever she's uncomfortable, (which was very awkward for her and did not help at all when that trooper pulled her over for speeding) It doesn't mean...
  18. BossyCow

    Pop quiz hotshot: What is the best skill an EMT (B/I/P) can have?

    You know, you can make a cravat out of duct tape!
  19. BossyCow

    Why they call us ambulance drivers.

    What is this???? Common Sense????? A rational approach without the 'chip on the shoulder' arrogance and hurty feelers????? Arrrggggghhhh.... this forum is soooooo going down hill! Thanks JP. You have restored my faith!
  20. BossyCow

    the 100% directionless thread

    I'm posting here because if I quit posting I will have no excuse for not getting the last of my root crops planted in the veggie garden today. The sun is shining so I can't blame the weather, the moon is right, the seed is right here.. day-um.. I think I've officially run out of excuses!