The Er's I transport have about 30 psychiatrists in them. Münchhausen syndrome, are you kidding me.
The Er's I transport have about 30 psychiatrists in them. Are these people falling through the cracks, everyone is mis diagnosing them? Admitted? Yeah they get admitted, the majority of the time to a padded room with a box of crayons with their name on it, or a timeout in the local drug program, which they weasel their way out of with a prescription of soboxin that they can sell to get something with a kick. They dont want treatment, they want to be high.
How much do you know about Münchhausen syndrome?
Usually even in the larger EDs only one may be in house or on call. EDs don't have 30 doctors or even nurses present. 30 psychiatrists? You do exaggerate a little.
How long have you worked in the profession? Do you know how many services that have been cut back on in cities?
I may only have a couple hundred our of training however I am no dummy, drug seekers dont call 911 with chest pain, they wont get pain meds for that, they know the protocols better then we do.
Do you know what MONA stands for? Ever hear of Fentanyl?
Do you know how street drugs damage the heart? Do you think they might even have a legitimate complaint?
Referral system? This people are connivers, liars and cheats. They have worked their way through every drug program in a hundred mile radius, they rob the system of countless man hours, they our responsible for making truly sick or injured people wait, they dont want to get clean they want to get high. Refferal? Sure to a jail cell. They dont want to get clean, force them to, they will dry up quick in the clink.
Do you know what I was even referring to by referral system or for what purpose was meant when I stated get them known in the system. You can not just throw someone in jail when many EMT(P)s are too lazy to document adequately and effectively.
As you stated, you only have a couple hundred hours of training. You do need more education. If these are you views as you have stated, you need to re-examine your position as a health care provider. Your attitude does little good for your patients and will eventually skew your assessment which could cause harm. Your lack of understanding of "the system" also makes you of little use to help others who can be of assitance to prevent these situations.