Search results

  1. C

    It isn't terribly hard to transfer here. We get transfers from other divisions all the time and...

    It isn't terribly hard to transfer here. We get transfers from other divisions all the time and we have had people transfer in from Lancaster. It's a standard process to transfer. You interview at VV like a regular person but have more questions as to why you are transferring divisions. Then you...
  2. C

    I'd try and apply to VV and if you get in, great. If you get the job at Lancaster and nowhere...

    I'd try and apply to VV and if you get in, great. If you get the job at Lancaster and nowhere else, then take it. A 911 EMS job isn't something to pass up on.
  3. C

    From what I understand, we are currently hiring now. We have a few EMT's that are starting in...

    From what I understand, we are currently hiring now. We have a few EMT's that are starting in the next couple of weeks. That being said, I don't think we hired anyone for the past like 6-8 months or so. We are still a little short on medics but have a surplus of EMT's which complicates things. \
  4. C

    AMR Ventura/Riverside/San Bernadino

    Victorville starts medics at 17.07 for a 12 hour car.
  5. C

    Yea I still work at AMR VV. Do you have any questions about VV specifically?

    Yea I still work at AMR VV. Do you have any questions about VV specifically?
  6. C

    Mercy Air Protocols

    I know that after being hired at Mercy they send you to Colorado for training and orientation; is this similar to getting hired at their other subsidiaries? I know at the orientation they would cover company operations and the what not but do they also cover the advanced medical...
  7. C

    Mercy Air Protocols

    I'm curious as to how Mercy Air's protocols work throughout the US, specifically in Southern California/Southern Arizona. Are there corporate wide protocols that are followed or is it like ground EMS where each region has a unique set of protocols established by their individual medical...
  8. C

    AMR Victorville

    In all fairness there are some County medics I do like working with and would trust on a legit call over some AMR medics. We've had an AMR medic take a chest pain patient who was a STEMI 50 miles down the hill bypassing 4 STEMI centers only to later code enroute to a STEMI center once Kaiser did...
  9. C

    Las Vegas - somewhat employment related...

    Do they allow you to negotiate higher rates?
  10. C

    Las Vegas - somewhat employment related...

    Anyone know the starting pay for a medic in Vegas? I've heard from someone transferring that it was possibly 55k/year with like 1-2 years of experience. Can anyone confirm or deny?
  11. C

    AMR Victorville

    I think they honestly just don't care. I'd say 60% are there for the paycheck, 30% because they like the department and like 10% probably want to help the public and be a pillar in the community. They don't always have this huge arrogant attitude like LA departments, they just genuinely couldn't...
  12. C

    AMR Victorville

    The first medic on scene has control but usually County Fire can't wait to leave so as soon as we show up they give us a quick report and bounce.
  13. C

    AMR Victorville

    Can't tell you how many times Fire has tried to throw their weight with AMR crews and AMR will just say "last I checked, County Fire doesn't sign my paychecks". They love that reply lol
  14. C

    AMR Victorville

    Not in Victorville. We generally try and play nice with each other but will disagree quite often. As the AMR medic I do what I want no matter what fire says and if they want to complain, good luck. All my sups have my back and will almost always stand with their crews.
  15. C

    AMR Victorville

    Nope. It's all in how you document and I assume that they're smart enough to not hang themselves in their paperwork. I only make that assumption because I still see the same medics everyday and they're still operating as medics. ICEMA does random audits from time to time but it seems like the...
  16. C

    AMR Victorville

    County Fire will be first on scene and most of the time we're lucky if they brought their tablet in. They hardly ever pull their own equipment. Most of their assesments are "What's your name? What's wrong? What hospital would you like to go to? Ok, AMR will be here in a minute". There have been...
  17. C

    AMR Victorville

    Had a county medic slam 10mg Versed IV for a seizure and then ask later what the dose was. For SB county it's 2.5 repeated twice. They will sit in their station and wait until they see AMR to drive by before responding to a call. Had a 40 y/o F altered OD on morphine, norcos and a butt load of...
  18. C

    AMR Victorville

    I agree. Could be worse. AMR literally gave us a raise just because in an attmept to improve staffing. We went from 15.17 to 17.07 which was nice but did nothing to improve the staffing.
  19. C

    AMR Victorville

    Starting pay for a new medic with 0 experience is 17.07 for a 12. 20.91 for an 8 and 13. something for a 24. OT after 8 for an 8 or 12. OT after 40 for a 24. Starting EMT pay is 10.88. We do the 4:3, 3:4 split for 12s and 24s are on set days.
  20. C

    AMR Victorville

    I'm a medic in VV. We do 8s, 12s, and 24s. Full time ALS positions are either 12s or 24s. We have 4 24 hour stations but have approximately 7 24 hour shifts. We also have what are called "power cars" which are incentive OT (12 and 24hr) shifts. Both medic and EMT get double time and if you run 5...