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  1. E

    FTO Questions....

    Well i want to be pre paired so if anyone can send me any acronyms i would greatly appreciate it
  2. E

    FTO Questions....

    Hey can u send me a pm all the acronyms im sure i know most of then what is the AEIOUTIPS one and START?
  3. E

    What was your First Run

    This is amazing and this is what i love and i can't wait to run more calls lol.
  4. E

    FTO Questions....

    I'm going on 2 ride a longs with a company for possible employment and i was wondering if anyone knew what the FTO's ask you while your doing your field training? What kind of questions do they ask you on or test you on? Protocols? Sorry if this is a thread thats all ready been posted.
  5. E

    First Impressions

    Ya it seems that way no offense. I think when you start out at a company no matter what the line of work is you kind of are the B@@@H. Every where you go you have to start somewhere and pretty much do whatever it takes to get to the top even if that means spit shinning the floor again for the...
  6. E

    Anyone been through the...

    First off Pacific Ambulance sends out e mails for people they want to join in there hiring process. Second it clearly states in the e mail that shorts and a t shirt are exceptable for the physical portion of the interview. I wore black slacks and a white polo shirt because i didn't want to...
  7. E

    Anyone been through the...

    Ok so i had my interview on May 27th and they said they would possibly be hiring in the middle of June(this month) Would it be a bad or a good idea to call them to check up on if they have made any decisions yet? For Pacific Ambulance SD division.
  8. E

    Pacific orientation

    What division did you get hired for, San Diego, Orange County, LA??
  9. E

    Coming back to EMS, after being asked to leave? opinons wanted..

    I commend you on fixing your self volunteerly because im sure as we all know addictions are hard to break and there is that chance that this line of work could possibly take you to that breaking point again and you relapse. I hope that if you do get back into this line of work that you continue...
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    New to the gang

    I second that. Good luck! Thats amazing. Proving to everyone that nothing is going to stop you is an amazing part of your character. Best of luck and keep us up dated on your EMT status and schooling.B)
  11. E

    First Impressions

    To me asking questions is always a plus. It's always better to get clarification on something your unclear about, if possible ask the more experianced EMT assuming there legit and not one of those EMT's who doesn't care. First impressions are always something you should keep in mind weather it's...
  12. E

    Vehicle Checkout/Inventory Sheet

    Very informative. I like it nice job.
  13. E

    When do you use your siren?

    What company do you work for?
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    Anyone been through the...

    Thank you Fox and Porkchop i hope i get a phone call to and i will deffinitly let you guys know what happens.
  15. E

    Anyone been through the...

    I had my interview on thursday the 27th with Pacific, I felt that it went very well. The interviewer seemed to be impressed by the oral interview we had. He told me you followed directions just like i asked, you have open avaliability. He had told the group of people i was there with which was...
  16. E

    how to reassure hysterical patients?

    I agree i would not give false hope because thats something you just dont do, but if the child is fine after being assessed by another Medic then i would probably do what i said earlier. All you really can do to a patient who is injured that is screaming and crying is let them know that you...
  17. E

    Planning to become an EMT

    I agree learn as much as you can. You'll be a better EMT for it.
  18. E

    how to reassure hysterical patients?

    I personally would probably get the child out of the car away from the mother due to the extent of the injury with another crew member or PD and inform the mother that her child is being taken care of. Also if the mother or parent that is injured and able to speak i would ask if there is a...
  19. E

    Planning to become an EMT

    In CA you do not need to take Biology to become a EMT-B. All you need to do is enroll into the EMT-B program in your area get your CPR/AED card from AHA(American Heart Associatin), get a TB test done thats six months current, An up to date immunization card. Atleast in San Diego thats what i...
  20. E

    Rescue breaths

    If it has been longer then 4-5 minutes since the patient went into cardiac arrest, immediatly perform 5 cycles of CPR at a ratio on 30 compressions and 2 ventilations, which is approximately 2 minutes. Following the 5 cycles of CPR, apply AED and follow the AED protocol. The patient must be...