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  1. AJ Hidell

    Considering to Enlist

    For some reason, you left out clinical medics who work at the field level, such as the Battalion Aid Station. Do not overlook or underestimate them. We let those guys do a LOT of stuff that field medics only dream of, and I have every bit as much confidence in them as I do in any field medics...
  2. AJ Hidell

    NREMT imposter

    Revoked what certification? Was he at one time an NREMT-I? Or was he an NREMT-B who just found an I patch on eBay? Regardless, your state probably has a law making certain titles legally protected, which may outlaw his representation of the title by any means. Best check with them.
  3. AJ Hidell

    Also, hopefully 3rd time is a charm

    You aced OB but failed EMS Ops? That's got to be a first, lol! A few questions, if you don't mind:How long were you an EMT before starting paramedic school? How long was your paramedic class (in total hours, not months or weeks)? Was it a degree program or a certificate program? What were your...
  4. AJ Hidell

    NYC EMTs get EpiPens

    So they can play the victim and blame it on me. But I have to say there is a major difference between "assisting" someone with their prescribed medication and prescribing it for them. Major, major difference. A protocol for the former does not necessarily qualify you for the latter.
  5. AJ Hidell

    How Long before going to Paramedic school?

    Yet another frequently asked question that should earn a lifetime ban for asking. ;)
  6. AJ Hidell

    Stethoscope - The Mega Thread

    Fired from what? Your agency pays students? :unsure:
  7. AJ Hidell

    Narcan and hypotension

    Why exactly was the patient RSI'd?
  8. AJ Hidell

    NYC EMTs get EpiPens

    I won't presume to define what this battle is about for everyone here. But, as for what it is about for me, yes, you are off base. It has nothing to do with who is performing what. It's about only what I said it is about, which is correctly categorizing the facets of our profession. But I...
  9. AJ Hidell

    Blood Pressure Question..

    Quoted for emphasis. A pulse by itself (and a BP too, for that matter) is nothing but an isolated piece of the puzzle. The old skool theory that you could just grab a pulse and somehow know your patient's hemodynamic stability should be dead and buried.
  10. AJ Hidell

    Magna Fortis Metacardia or better?

    I propose a new rule: Stethoscope thread = automatic lifetime ban
  11. AJ Hidell

    EMS: Fire Truck vs. Ambulance

    Why, because they both have sirens? That is the only tangible similarity between the two. EMS = Medicine. Medicine is not public safety. It's medicine. That's like saying that physicians and janitors are "closely related" because they are both found in a hospital. It's like saying a...
  12. AJ Hidell

    EMS in the Middle East

    If you're just an EMT, you need a lot more than someone on the inside, lol. Almost all of those jobs are for paramedics and nurses, and pretty much only those with years of hardcore experience. Two weeks of night school just won't get you far outside of the U.S.
  13. AJ Hidell

    Los Angeles - What good opportunities for employment?

    Your friends at the IAFF and IAFC. Heaven forbid that the public come to realize that the ambulance drivers can get there faster and render the same care as the FD, plus transport them to the hospital, unlike the FD. If that were to become common knowledge, people in an already bankrupt state...
  14. AJ Hidell


    Asians have been trying to kill me since 1975 and they haven't succeeded yet. I'll be there.
  15. AJ Hidell


    Professionals or volunteers?
  16. AJ Hidell

    Basic Questions

    While 46Young makes an excellent point, I generally subscribe to Daedalus' theory. And in the military, I've spent a lot of time working with a lot of PAs from every area of the country. It is going to be variable from school to school. The origin of PA schools was to take seasoned...
  17. AJ Hidell

    Stethoscope - The Mega Thread

    Ah, okay. Regardless of how many diaphragms it has, it still suffers the problems inherent to all dual head stethoscopes, which is that it is noisier than a single head of similar quality. It's just like your ears: If you plug one ear with your finger, you can still hear somewhat through it...
  18. AJ Hidell

    ECG monitor replacement

    Many agencies will retire them at a point where they are still worth something used, rather than waiting til they completely die. If your monitors are getting long in the tooth, but are not yet outdated enough to replace with newer technology, it would be smart to do some research on resale...
  19. AJ Hidell

    EMT loses job for posting picture of murder victim on his Facebook page

    Yeah, it's not so bad when NTSB takes your film, because they just develop it, make copies for themselves (and you too), and give it right back to you. Been there. Done that. But if they take your phone, that's kinda bad, lol.
  20. AJ Hidell

    911 operators

    Knowing the full context of the incident, I fully agree that he should have kept his job. It was not intentionally disrespectful or dismissive of the caller's concerns. It was a stupid attempt to diffuse the situation with humour that simply wasn't well thought out. The guy has been a stellar...