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  1. C

    Oxygen tank for the rig

    The oxygen in our rig has a nice digital readout in the drivers compartment so we dont even have to get out to check it. We leave it on for the whole shift, and I think since our box runs 24 hours it never gets turned off.
  2. C

    "Looking at the fish"

    There are plenty of fish in the sea...
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    MI w/o Chest Pain

    Oh great.. I'm like a hypochondriac when I read things like that. I get the same symptoms when every my BGL drops to 20 or below.. b/c I never check it. Now I'll think MI instead of hypo-G. :P [/b] Yeah, ever since I went to my EMT class I have gotten like 5 diseases and counting... wonder...
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    How to tell the sex of a fly

    Isn't that UP your nose? [/b] No... you say "fly on your nose" and then punch them in the nose! It's the easiest way to punch someone and not get in trouble. But there has to be at least one fly somewhere near. :P
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    What do you think?

    Oh boy did the AC come in handy today... it was soo hot and we were in the freakin desert. If we didnt have it I woulda passed out I think.
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    Site may go down: Attempting to Install Chat

    I want to change my last name to something cool like that. Especially since everything in EMS goes by last name. Mine now doesnt really have any "pop" to it. In fact... I'm going to start a thread for you ppl to help me choose a new last name. Wahoo!
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    Why did you choose to stop at BLS?

    Hopefully I'll be blessed in about 9 months... (not with a baby... oh shoot me if I am) but as a medic. :D
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    Why Can't They Just Let Her RIP?!?!?

    The main thing here is that this is NOT a political issue. Governers, presidents, supreme court or anything like that needs to be involved in a case like this. It is a matter of her doctors and her families making a decision. The fact that her parents and husband who both supposedly cared...
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    Things you should not do at work!

    And the Grammy goes to....!!!!! Very well said Matt. :D
  10. C

    8 Y/O Burned by Turkey Fryer Being Used Indoors

    Do you know which one is the right one?
  11. C

    Yahoo! - Guidant Recalls 50,000 Defibrillators

    Your link is broken... I would like to read more about this. I have heard of people responding to a chest pain call and having the patient "defib themselves" or automatically with these things and scare the medics half to death. I cant imagine if they didnt tell you they had one and then they...
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    Bad Month

    This is the truest thing ever. It really need to be reinforced and stuck in our minds more. It is not bad to show that things affect you... if they didnt you wouldnt be human.
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    Off Duty?!?!

    That was MY question... but beacuse you aren't ME, they won't gang up on you and belittle you, just calmly explain things :rolleyes: Sheesh! [/b] Sometimes you are just the person who get's ganged up on and belittled... you'll be ok. Just dont ask stupid questions. On the subject of stupid...
  14. C

    Site may go down: Attempting to Install Chat

    No.... You are a half-wit.... then again, my father always taught me to not enter into a batttle of wits with a half-armed opponent. So I will stop... Jon [/b] Maybe you are both "half-wit" and we can put you both together to make something witty. But this could get messy... maybe CPT could...
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    Glucometer Blood...

    I'm all for poking the PT as many times as you can justify. "Wheres the lancet?" :o
  16. C

    Speed limits

    Some calls are great to go slow on... I wish the guy driving today had thought of that. We had a 93yo female w/ a fractured rib and she was in a lot of pain, but the guy still drove like we were code 3. I swear i felt like rubber banding a glove at his head. :angry:
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    How to tell the sex of a fly

    What about the one on your nose? :P
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    Im in the chat now, but even though PA's in there with me he's not talking. Maybe he doesnt like me. :(
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    Congrats!!!! :D
  20. C

    I thought this was hilarious

    I declare this "Gutter-Mind Week". All our topics seem to get guided in a dirty direction, and not the usual kind of dirty for EMS. :D Any ideas how to celebrate? :D