Search results

  1. Cory

    Hard To Get a Job In EMS?

    Well, I live in Cincinnati. Recently the Cincinnati Fire and Police departments stopped hiring all together, and are now laying workers off monthly. I don't know if the greater Columbus area is anything like Cincinnati, but there are lots of large townships here with very nice, very rich fire...
  2. Cory

    First Responder Confusion

    I am a little confused as to what exactly the Certified First Responder certification entails. Forst of all, is this a national government-supported certification, like EMT, or is it hosted by ARC only, or both? Is it recognized as a healthcare professional certification, or a lay certification...
  3. Cory

    Good Samaritan - Rescue Vs. Medical

    I understand, but the fact that you wouldn't even get out of your car in order to provide the 911 dispatcher with some detailed information on both pt's does no sit right with me. Clearly, these people are in need of ALS or even medevac. No one would know that if you don't even leave your car...
  4. Cory

    Good Samaritan - Rescue Vs. Medical

    No, I would be just as ashamed.
  5. Cory

    Good Samaritan - Rescue Vs. Medical

  6. Cory

    Good Samaritan - Rescue Vs. Medical

    Thats exactly what I said.
  7. Cory

    Good Samaritan - Rescue Vs. Medical

    But that's the scenario... Fair enough. So someone is only worth saving if you get dispatched to save them while on duty? Please explain what you mean... What if it was a birghtly lit road, in the middle of the day? Would you still bother to help anyone, or do you only help people...
  8. Cory

    Good Samaritan - Rescue Vs. Medical

    Please tell me you were being sarcastic too... You might call 911? Why keep driving? If there is something you can do, and you are trained to do it, why the hell wouldn't you do it? Why would you have spent time and money educating yourself in EMS courses if you were only going to use them...
  9. Cory

    Martial Arts

    Oh, and I guess by official standards, I'm not an actual "instructor", but I do teach classes almost every day, but never as the master instructor, so yes I'm an assistant instructor.
  10. Cory

    Martial Arts

    We have a distinct mixture of the two, depending on what night of the week the student chooses to attend and depending on what master instructor is in charge that night. One night you might spar all day. Another night may consist of just stretching, Korean terminology, and forms (and the...
  11. Cory

    Martial Arts

    I've taken Tae Kwon Do since I was nine years old. I'm an instructor, state and city gold metalist all events (but not state champion:glare:) and despite all this I still haven't tested for my black belt, because I left for quite some time due to a massive foot injury. I'm FINALLY promoting to...
  12. Cory

    Bonnaroo Medics

    My dad owns and runs the company that used to do staging, lighting, and sound tech for the entire festival (in partnership with another Cincinnati company), until it became a mostly union venue. I remember being 12 years old, going down there the day before it opened, and getting to meet some of...
  13. Cory

    Good Samaritan shot for stopping to help

    And this has come to a whole new level of hilarity.:lol::lol::lol: I can't even believe you just said that...
  14. Cory

    EMS While PreMed

    Veneficus, I have heard some rough med-school speaches in my life, one of which from my own cousin, but your's by far had to be the most intimidating. I am honestly now worried that I'm just in over my high school chemistry and anatomy grades are nothing special (despite my...
  15. Cory

    EMS While PreMed

    Does/has anyone here taken pre-med courses while working in EMS? If so, is it as overwhelming as it sounds? Was it campus EMS, or an actual FD/EMS company? Would you recommend it? I think this could be a great opportunity for me, IF I can handle it. Yes, I realize this is similar to other...
  16. Cory

    Why do we do it?

    Again, my point is not that anyone here is special or superior to anyone working in other professions. But that most people back away or just get too excited when they see, for instance, someone collapse. And even more people wouldn't have any idea how to help them. In this way, EMS workers are...
  17. Cory

    Why do we do it?

    And to add on to what Chimpie is saying, my main point was that it DOES take a...different(there, I didn't say special) kind of person to be able to naturally jump into action (calmy and effectively) in an emergency, where most people back away or get very excited. Am I wrong? Do you not agree...
  18. Cory

    Why do we do it?

    Edit: Nevermind, its not worth it. Sorry for this post.
  19. Cory

    Why do we do it?

    My observations: You do it because you have a natural tolerence to highly disturbing things, or highly disturbing scenes naturally make you want to jump into action instead of back away. I feel a little bit of that now as a lifeguard, but that doesn't compare to what I will see if I do go into...
  20. Cory

    the 100% directionless thread

    At least The Who was good, I mean they're not what they used to be, but it is always cool to see them.