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  1. emtfarva

    Chief Complaint on a IFT run

    It all depends. Most of the time I put the reason they were at the hospital. Like: Pt C/O Pneumonia S/P treatment. Pt C/O S/P CVA with left sided weakness. Pt C/O COPD exacerbation. Pt is S/P fall. Pt was evaluated at ER with negative findings and was cleared by hospital staff to return to...
  2. emtfarva

    How do you carry your stethoscope?

    In the back of the truck by the side door where it stays till i need it... If I forget i have it on me, it is around my neck
  3. emtfarva

    Have you had the Flu Vaccine/Mist

    thats fine.... still not getting it and i may possibly fight in court if they mandate it
  4. emtfarva

    Have you had the Flu Vaccine/Mist

    I have never gotten a Flu shot... I will never until they force me... On that note: How can someone force you to put something in your body that you want nor choose to take. I don't understand how a flu shot needs to be mandatory. another note: H1N1 flu shot has been around for awhile... There...
  5. emtfarva

    Motorcycle Paramedics getting abused on duty

    I see this all the time... I think the only emergency vehicles they move right away for is a fire truck. because they know that the fire truck could put a world of hurt if they hit them...
  6. emtfarva

    I guess to say Hi is a good way to start

    Welcome. Good luck with class this time around...
  7. emtfarva

    Hello Everyone

    welcome Rob. Good luck with class...
  8. emtfarva

    Hello everyone!

    Hi, Mo. My name is Farva. I am an EMT in MA and a NREMT
  9. emtfarva

    Does your department have a web site? the service I work for. my union. a town I might work for PT. Boston Medflight. Fairhaven Ma, Fire/EMS New Bedford EMS...
  10. emtfarva

    Two Car MVC

    Lets see... First of all, in my personal opinion, the medics handled the call wrong. If you look at the instructions on the package of the C-collar states: To be used by Trained Medical Personal. It is fine that the Pt wanted to AMA herself, but I would have never left the C-collar on the Pt...
  11. emtfarva

    How large is your service area

    Eastern MA. From Dartmouth to Boston, Cape Cod to Attleboro, Worchester to Plymouth and everywhere in between.
  12. emtfarva


    From what I have been told and was taught in school.... For MA: We need what is called a Comfort Care (MA's DNR form [CC]) which has to be completely filled out with all required signatures and dates. Our CC is all or nothing. We don't follow SNF's or Hosp's DNRs. We don't follow DNI's and we...
  13. emtfarva

    Quality EMS agencies

    there is a reason that AMR trucks have the map of the US on the truck... it is so when the crews find themselves in a place they don't know, they can find their way back... :P trust me, there isn't a town in MA that i haven't been to or driven through... all I can say is thank god...
  14. emtfarva

    July 4th plans?

    working a double time and a half ot shift from 2300 to 0700, hoping that our usall nieghborhood drunks forget how to drink for a night...
  15. emtfarva

    Fire Department Spoof!

    I guess they have a very low call volume.... the chief should give them more station duties, from watching the video, the trucks and the garage is clean, I suggest paint the fence or wax on wax off...
  16. emtfarva

    Fire Department Spoof!

    it is kinda funny to see a normal size man kneeling and pretending to be a midgit...
  17. emtfarva

    TURF-ing patients

    Some of our crews use SNR's [pronounced Sner's (Services Not Rendered)]. but as for TURFing, as others have said, it is basically giving a Pt to another service. I also heard it used for a service who turf's their own call to another sector or take a call in their own sector.
  18. emtfarva

    Lights and Sirens: School Buses & Traffic at Reds

    The Postal worker has the right-of-way. they can go through the light or the stop sign with out stopping due to the fact that they could be carrying a declaration of war.
  19. emtfarva

    Older driver in fatal crash in Stoughton has record of accidents

    Ian, and JP. I know this is tragic, but those kids and grandfather should not be crossing 138. that is a very, very dangerous rd. I wouldn't even cross it and i am 27. and i can walk (sometimes) and run.
  20. emtfarva

    Is this forum for American EMT's?

    Nope Hotel, us gringos can't post here...... lmfao