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  1. HasTy

    emt refresher course on cassettes

    I am listening to a pod cast that i subscribe to called Authorized Transmissions and right now they are talkin with Dr. Bledsoe its very interesting to hear his thoughts on somethings...
  2. HasTy

    Traffic Camera

    The way i originally saw it he was runningt he red light...
  3. HasTy

    road trip to texas

    just about any KOA has tent sites as well as little cottages and they are usually pretty safe and are def friendly to pets and kids.
  4. HasTy

    ... saw the back of an Italian Ambulance today.....

    *groans loudly* thats just horrible. we all maek(make) mistakes mate.... grrr i cant even tease someone about making mistakes with out making on myself oh well cest la vie
  5. HasTy

    The new emergency number.

    if our number was that "short" here in the states we wouldnt get all the bs calls that we get cause people simply would not be able to remember the number.
  6. HasTy

    Questions You Don't Ask Medical Personnel...

    at three o'clock in the morning dont ask what the problem is just ask can you walk to my ambulance.
  7. HasTy

    Questions You Don't Ask Medical Personnel...

    Kill anyone today???
  8. HasTy

    Remind me not to buy a seesaw for my kids...

    You know i grew up on see saws and merry go rounds and i turned out alright...hmmm... that makes me think....maybe this song fits pretty well.....<_<
  9. HasTy

    Wife cleaning gun - PRANK

    anyone wanna wager on if he slept on the couch that night or not.
  10. HasTy

    Where to go for high volume 911 (EMS only) work/employment.

    If you are NREMT-P then you might check out Bakersfield CA with Hall Ambulance they are a private based EMS service with good quality people and high call volume also they cover almost the entire county and the FD is there in a First Responder role only all though they do have medics not every...
  11. HasTy

    California Driver's Handbook - not sure if i got the right drivers handbook..

    Dont feel bad mate I just figured out the right one....anyway good just go up and as for the ambulance drivers handbook for 5 bucks then you also should ask as long as your there for the ambulance drivers medical packet as well...
  12. HasTy

    [Duplicate/Closed] Dispatcher arrested for a work related email.

    Oops I guess I just missed it..if someone could straighten this mess out for me..
  13. HasTy

    [Duplicate/Closed] Dispatcher arrested for a work related email.

    Ex-Husband arrested So the gist of the story is an EMS dispatcher sent a message over a CAD to his ex wife who was a LEO dispatcher and she filed a complaint that he violated a restraining order and he was "detained"
  14. HasTy

    Looking for some advice

    Ok the best advice I can give you is to learn from my mistake go for a paramedic degree at least an AAS preferably an BS
  15. HasTy

    Language Barriers...

    In my area we have a lot of hmong refugees and a lot of Mexican immigrants... so in high school I took two years of Spanish however I learned more Spanish by speaking it in the country of Mexico for six weeks. Anyway as far as sign language I never had a problem with that because my Brother was...
  16. HasTy

    Question concerning eligibility

    Ok dude not alot of people knew about me but I have a GED and a EMT-B I had a job in CA however I quit that job and went to paramedic school then I failed out of paramedic school and in CA job market for medicine is extremely tough how ever keep your ears open make friends with people at the...
  17. HasTy

    Firemen Arrested on Drug Charges

    Dont remind me that my dumb as heck state is legalizing freaking mary jane...pretty soon we are gonna have people driving higher than they were before.
  18. HasTy

    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

    That is a good one I was beginning to think that this thread was going to die an untimely death
  19. HasTy

    Big Ambulance!

    Looking at those almost wants me to go back to our "big" ambulances which were no where near that big...
  20. HasTy

    Am I foolin myself

    I believe (JPINFV correct me if I am wrong) For CA the DUI precludes you from getting your CDL which is a requirement for driving in CA and there by a requirement for employment.