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    Styling Issue for OCD People

    I have a styling tip... can we add comic sans?

    Three things that I dislike to do as a Paramedic

    Is there any follow up to see how many of those patients are ultimately admitted to the hospital following a transport refusal?

    Trauma protocol question

    ...except it doesn't work that way in the hospital. I've AMAed one patient in a new 3rd degree heart block and I've respected the wishes of another patient who was refusing a blood transfusion despite a hemoglobin in the 4s.

    Trauma protocol question

    Well, Stephen Hawking would be something like a GCS9.... and that's assuming you want to give him credit for his electronic voice.

    Cardiac arrest in dialysis patients, medication questions

    Ironically, insufficient evidence regarding that provides more support than what they say about epinephrine (no survival benefit).

    Cardiac arrest in dialysis patients, medication questions

    Actually, there was a discussion on delayed defibrillation in extended response times in the 2010 guidelines. "In studies in which EMS call-to-arrival intervals were 49 to 58 minutes or longer, 1 ½ to 3 minutes of CPR before defibrillation increased the rate of initial resuscitation (return of...

    Stroke Assesment Sentence

    That's because the combined ego of the Citizens of Boston is great enough to have small planets orbiting around it.

    No shock advised, now what?

    ...PEA... ...also if the patient reaches asystole, then it really doesn't matter much since asystole is a relatively stable rhythm.

    Any EMS agencies using a "Scribe" type system for pcr's?

    My hospital still uses paper charts for the day to day notes, but the discharge summary, procedure notes, and admission/consults for some services are still required to be dictated. Unfortunately, for our current system there isn't a way for us to manually enter those notes. That said, and while...
  10. JPINFV

    Non Invasive Assessment Tools
  11. JPINFV

    Any EMS agencies using a "Scribe" type system for pcr's?

    One thing to remember is that with scribe/dictation based systems (really, they're close to the same, just different technology) is that the physician is still required to sign off on the final product. With dictations, rarely that requires no editing and rarely requires redictating the report...
  12. JPINFV

    Paramedic or P.A. school?

    Barbers and surgeons are pretty much the same thing, right? After all, historically surgeons were barbers.
  13. JPINFV

    Paramedic or P.A. school?

    Also, at least at my hospital, any one who does remain in a collar is switched to a philly collar... and not the adjustable collars left at no-neck level that most of the EMS patients are brought in on.
  14. JPINFV

    Paramedic or P.A. school?

    The plural of "anecdote" is not "data." ...and with medicine the training/education time frame is so long that many people enter it not realizing what it takes, realize too late that it's not what they want, but end up being stuck and burning out. How long has that PA worked there? Also the...
  15. JPINFV

    No shock advised, now what?

    If they're BLS (or ortho sx), they might not know if it's asystole.
  16. JPINFV

    Paramedic or P.A. school?

    1. Any PA worth their salt should be able to run circles around the average and even above average paramedic in terms of diagnostic ability and being able to consider differentials. Any PA that can't is more a reflection on the PA than the paramedic. You simply can't diagnose something you've...
  17. JPINFV

    Paramedic or P.A. school?

    1. Just because someone finds EMS boring doesn't mean that they'll find PA or nursing boring. EMS isn't the end-all be-all of medicine. 2. Good patient assessment is always going to be at the whim of how much the person doing the exam understands the components and what those components are...
  18. JPINFV

    Paramedic or P.A. school?

    Of course the problem with being a PA for some people is that your essentially a glorified senior resident the rest of your life. The GI PA at my hospital essentially runs the consult service, but he still has to check in with the on-call attending at the end of the day. He's also dissatisfied...
  19. JPINFV

    Student interested in EMS/ trauma kit help Go big or go home.
  20. JPINFV


    88 mph, like a doctor? Thanks for the excuse to post this...