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  1. E

    Earthquake in New Zealand

    those links open fine for me in ireland, have been tuned into sky news watching the coverage, cant imagine what being there would be like. thoughts with the crews and families
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    Paramedic in England?

    edexcel are just the examinations people as far as im aware? the hpc are the register that all health care professionals are registered on and allow them to practice
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    What is your agency or department's policy on social networks?

    my service was 100% against any insignia or chatter posted up on social networking sites, then a few months later, they themselfs started up a facebook page! doesnt make sense to us
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    Basic CPR Question

    leftside/rightside, overhead its all the same as your compressing the same part of the chest
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    Brachial Artery and Blood Pressure

    a tip i found works good in hard to palpate brachial pulses is get them to tense their muscles(biceps), just below/up and under the muscle you should feel it beating away. then when your more comfortable taking bp's you nearly automaticlly know where to put the steth without needing to palpate a...
  6. E

    Where do you put the limb leads?

    i learned how to place both on the limbs and the torso. im not sure why but i trust the lead placement on the chest more so then the limbs as there is far less movement and artifacts on the rythm strip. on the limbs in put them over the radial artery where youd take a pulse, and on the...
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    ems in ireland

    its a weird set-up, seems dysfunctional from a neutral point of view, but it does work really well aside from the politics and funding issues
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    EMS/T patches

    not really, on our official uniform for occasions we have our company and unit flash on our arm but thats about it. all our shirts and sweatters come with our companys name embriorded onto them from the supplier. we are not allowed add our own patches
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    lowest blood sugar reading?

    buccal administration for unresponsive patients is contra indicated though as it may cause airway compromise. well it is over here anyways
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    the 100% directionless thread

    just done some cpd exams this evening and some case studies/reviews. its good to know i still know my stuff! but even more interesting to see what ive forgotten also..... really need to quit the regular job and get into ems full time
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    ambulance crashes down 30ft embankment
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    Do you share work stories with your girl?

    before she dumped me i used to tell the interesting or funny ones, nobody really wants to hear of the drunken teenager getting sick all over your clean shirt
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    5.11 ATAC Shield 8' boot

    thanks for the real life review, i never really trust manufacture's reviews on sites.. ive these shortlisted along with a set of magnums for my new set of boots
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    Hello from the UK Ambulance Forum

    that worked, thanks a million:)
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    Hello from the UK Ambulance Forum

    is the forum down?? havent been able to access it for the past few days?
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    So what do you call it?

    generally a stretcher
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    EMT-Basic in california

    hell get any job that pays your bills and volunteer to gain experence then go to medic school. experence is experence, weather its paid of volly.
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    EMT-Basic in california

    train to become a paramedic then apply for a job.
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    first spine boards now the c-collar?

    there is such thing. A vaccum mattress, there only new enough in our system but in our spinal cpg it says lsb or vaccum matters. it moulds around them and fully immboalises/splints their entire body
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    When to Upgrade to ALS!

    when my clinical practice guidelines tell me too. as for spacific cases: anything cardiac, any major trauma, pain management beyond what otc's and entanox can handle. then we have alot of consider als guidelines which puts the ball in our side of the field and lets us decide weather we...