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  1. Amelia

    AED design changed... By kidos

    I think this is awesome. Bringing attention to AEDs and getting the youngins involved. Plus theyre too darned cute.
  2. Amelia

    "Requested Salary"

    I just feel that there is a lot of unnecessary rudeness and inconsiderateness, and there is no reason for personal attacks. We are professionals here (well some) and we should act as such, imho. I jist wanted toask a simple question
  3. Amelia

    EMT refuses to respond

    Thats the exact point: "There was no indication of a hostile situation and wasnt staging due to safety concerns." That is exactly it. If it were my baby, this ***** would have a world of a mess of a Mama to deal with.
  4. Amelia

    "Requested Salary"

    CHILL OUT!!!!!! We disagree, thats fine! It was a simple question- and our opinions on the hiring process dont matter at this point because we are not applying to be working with each other! Gooosfraba..... Goooooosfraba.......
  5. Amelia

    EMT refuses to respond

    I absolutely agree! Personal safety #1 prority. But in this case she flat out went against dispatch and supervisor orders.
  6. Amelia

    EMT refuses to respond

    Plus the transcription said that she blatently refused, she has dine this before, and she even drove the ambulance on the street and parked.
  7. Amelia

    EMT refuses to respond

    No, but face value, if she didnt go for the sole purpose of not wanting to, Id flip out.
  8. Amelia

    Convincing a patient to be transported

    I love how strongly honest you guys are. Is this across the board? I certainly hope so.
  9. Amelia

    EMT refuses to respond

    Personally (as a mom I may be a little biased) if an EMT or P refused to help my baby "because youknow how these families get" I would strongly be considering legal advise on her personally. But, like I said, I could be biased... And a bit of a Mama Bear.
  10. Amelia

    Grading on practicals?

    Yay!! Congrats!!
  11. Amelia

    When did you get your NREMT results

    No, you need the origionals. Email and ask. Never hirts to ask, right? :)
  12. Amelia

    Unfelt Fetal Movement

    NOOOOOOO!!!!! Five Finger Death Punch maybe!! Oh wait.....
  13. Amelia

    When did you get your NREMT results

    The same envelope. With that being said- Im not sure if there are NREMT offices in each state. My state probably has nothing else to do so we get them quickly. I bet you could email the NREMT to ask what happens next in a general way.
  14. Amelia

    Best paramedic text?

    Oh- also take into consideration how you learn best. I absolutely need the 15,000 pound book (the book not the 15,000 pounds). I envied the people who could ise their kindle/computer. I am a paper and pencil person 100%
  15. Amelia

    Patient in shock question

    OH YEAH!! I feel like a doof now.
  16. Amelia

    When did you get your NREMT results

    I got my certificate, NREMT, and another paper to punch out my card (which I promptly took to Staples to laminate). My state provided their certificate, license card, and patch, coincedentially on the same day.
  17. Amelia

    Grading on practicals?

    We had to do it -perfectly- or we failed. Our instructor was a HARD *** and I absolutely love her.
  18. Amelia

    Anyone rocking a Ambo like this for regular 911 calls?

    Thats how you rock an ambulance.
  19. Amelia

    Patient in shock question

    Agreed. We were taught that unless they need to be tilted (ie heavy prego) always supine to allow for even blood distribution. You put them in Trendleburg and the head is going to get a bit full. ;) i sont even remember in what situations you would ise Trendleberg....
  20. Amelia

    Unfelt Fetal Movement

    that is exactly what I was thinking. Generally (not all) moms have great intuition, but you can never ever be too cautious. Thanks guys!