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  1. mikie

    Versed as a sole RSI agent

    Side question... I take pharm. next semester so perhaps it'll come up then; but with what little info I know about RSI (Sedation & Paralysis) why is that an absolute contraindication?
  2. mikie

    Suture & "Scenario" Question

    Obviously this isn't something we'd be do in the field (speaking broadly, that is (I'm sure there are some system that allows it)), but thought I'd ask anyway since we do have some bright & experienced people around.. Is there a "window of time" for sutures? Scenario: (we'll say this is a...
  3. mikie

    New iPhone accessory

    When Steven Jobs did one of his iPhone revealing thing (i think the 3G) he mentioned the medical potentials of the iPhone, including eventually a GLUCOMETER So it can now do BP, HR & Rhythm, [future] glucose...
  4. mikie

    When to Upgrade to ALS!

    No need when dispatch sends everyone! ...when the second unit shows up (ALS, obviously) and says "We'll take it from here"
  5. mikie

    I need to quit...sugar!

    my vice is soda......Ginger Ale or Dr. Pepper. They're like drugs to me! I'd love to hear some solutions lol
  6. mikie

    Maryland begins replacement of Med-Evac helicopters

    Wtf md?! they're way too big (the new ones)....I've heard they'll have to renovate Shock-Trauma's helipads, among others just to accompany them!
  7. mikie


    It's not entirely medical, but pretty interesting! Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
  8. mikie

    ABHES vs. COAEMSP accreditation

    rofl. Maybe she's one of us? (Jewish..that is) jk!! :rolleyes:
  9. mikie

    ABHES vs. COAEMSP accreditation

    I could be wrong but... I'm pretty sure all paramedic programs by 2012 must be CoAEMSP accredited (or so our instructors tell us) to qualify for national reg.
  10. mikie

    Blood glucose question...

    question what's your technique(s) for using the venous blood from the cath. or tubing or what? i've never actually seen it done but hear about it frequently... (and it is kinda the purpose of this thread) thanks
  11. mikie

    palpating fetal heart rate

    ...was taught to use the bell of the stethoscope to "attempt" to auscultate fetal heart tones
  12. mikie

    Must have Iphone apps for EMS

    My medical apps Epocrates*, Medscape*, InstantECG, HazRef 2008, WebMD, Eponyms, MedicalCalc, MedAbbr, NEJM App, MedPage, iRadiology, Radiology 2.0 *darn good apps too!
  13. mikie

    Blood glucose question...

    Are regular glucometers calibrated to read venous blood? (For those who draw it from the IV chamber? Obviously there wouldn't/shouldn't be a huge difference or anything, just curious)
  14. mikie

    King County Medic One Guidelines/Protocols

    Perform pericardiocentesis Perform escharotomy Perform episiotomy Sounds pretty basic to me :P
  15. mikie

    EMT B Courses in Baltimore

    not trying to be hostile, but... Does the inverse not apply? I want to be a paramedic w/ a bachelors Degree... Does JHU offer that? ...i didn't think so. I don't know anything about UMBC's history department, so I cannot speak to it. Each school has its pros/cons, course offerings, degree...
  16. mikie

    WANTED: Brady/Bledsoe 5 book set...

    yuck...why would you want anything that naysayer publishes? (Blesdoe..that is) <_<
  17. mikie

    EMT B Courses in Baltimore

    Oh trust me; they do. There are a few derogatory ones that I neglected to include..
  18. mikie

    Common mistakes/misconceptions

    Blood is blue before it's exposed to oxygen ^_^
  19. mikie

    EMT B Courses in Baltimore

    You just like Hopkins cause of the name & reputation. It's like "Harvard Med School" - compared to many others, they're not the best, it just has a fancy gentile name to go with it :rolleyes: So what if we're the Universty of Maryland's B*stard Child (UMBC), or "U Made a Bad Choice? Every...
  20. mikie

    Tongue Piercing Intubation

    yup...just don't drop the ball down their throat!