Search results

  1. DrParasite

    College Park/Grady EMS Fails Child

    It looks like the FD's vehicle wasn't licensed to transport, but it was an actual ambulance, at least as per...
  2. DrParasite


    I really wish they did 10 year certificates too.... the cost is minimal for them, and after the annual recert fees you have paid over those 10 years, it's something that you can frame (aka free PR for NR)
  3. DrParasite

    College Park/Grady EMS Fails Child

    hold on... as per sounds like a reasonable understanding that the patient was stable, at least after their initial assessment. Also, many/most fire...
  4. DrParasite


    I have my NREMT, and the only reason I have kept it up is... well, I don't know why. I got it when I moved from NJ to NC, because I thought it would make the transfer easier, but it turned out to be a non-issue. And I've kept it up for no good reason. When my county switched to NREMT...
  5. DrParasite

    Survey finds Honolulu medics favor being merged into FD

    so, by my rough numbers, you should probably have 40+ staffed ambulances... sounds like your EMS system is understaffed even at full staffing. Sadly, an all too common occurrence in many cities. do firefighters get paid more than ambulance drivers? if so, than it's going to cost the city MORE...
  6. DrParasite


    Unfortunately, in my experience, there are very few all in one program that will suit all of your needs. We used to use WhenToWork, and it was the best scheduling software I have ever dealt with. But that's all it was, a scheduling software, nothing else. I've used aladtech, and while it had...
  7. DrParasite

    Medication contraindications

    Let's go down this rabbit hole for a minute, and discuss this topic... What's the downside? What is the negative outcome to giving narcan to a person who doesn't need it? Let's say I narcan every unconscious patient I come across... Other than reacting with any prescribed opioids they are on...
  8. DrParasite

    Medication contraindications

    Sigh... This is another example of the lack of education in this field... we have a user who is, without a credible source, providing an inaccurate definition of a contraindication, and using that to justify his erroneous claim. As per, the definition of a contraindication...
  9. DrParasite

    Medication contraindications

    That means it's not indicated, which is different from a contraindication. The attitude is uncalled for. narcan isn't indicated in a brain bleed, someone who is postictal, or hypoglycemic... It's not contraindicated, it's not indicated. If you need to review what a contraindication is and...
  10. DrParasite

    Survey finds Honolulu medics favor being merged into FD This is from the article: My only question is: how does getting merged into the FD improve any of these issues? if anything, won't this make the EMS the ******* stepchild of the HFD? The funding is...
  11. DrParasite

    Medication contraindications

    Except narcan.... when a a person who has ODed isn't breathing, give the medication. provided the indications are there, give the medications, regardless. The only "relative" contraindication is an allergy to nalaxone; well, we can give the patient some benedryl to deal with the itching or...
  12. DrParasite


    except he already said
  13. DrParasite

    Needle-less EPI Pen

    imagine that, competition from multiple vendors lowers prices...
  14. DrParasite

    Hartford Ct Fire chief cracking down on firefighters volunteering in their hometown.

    This is not news... many unions also don't want two hatters. It looks like the union has a rule against being a volunteer off hours, while the city has a rule prohibiting working side jobs, except when you are written approval of the fire chief. The city policy also says: "All city employees...
  15. DrParasite

    EMT's needed in Ireland

    Do you allow non Irish people to work as EMTs? are their visa requirements? what are your training requirement? it looks like,Emergency%20Medical%20Technology%20(NQEMT). is...
  16. DrParasite

    EMS Symposium in Hartford, Ct

    I'm all for a good conference, but those links don't seem to be working. Here is the official link and it's very sparse on details (no schedule, etc) While I do encourage education, this does look like a small conference...
  17. DrParasite

    How old is too old to start?

    If you already have a masters, you are likely more educated than many of your classmates, and maybe some of your instructors... so you might have few issues with the book learning, but will still need to do much of the hands on learning.... @Rosa Haynes, why would an EMS agency not want to have...
  18. DrParasite

    Encouraging and discouraging transport

    So the solution is to speak to your supervisor. Ask for your agency's protocols. if they don't have them, ask your supervisor what you should do. Nothing any of us say here might be applicable to your particular location, which is why many are saying you should ask your local supervisory...
  19. DrParasite

    Encouraging and discouraging transport

    echoing what I said in the other thread: As a general practice, when I was on the ambulance (per-covid), I never advised people to not go to the hospital. I've seen more than my share of ambulances used as taxis, but at the end of the day, if they want to go, lets go. I get paid the same, my...
  20. DrParasite

    “An assessment”

    As a general practice, when I was on the ambulance (per-covid), I never advised people to not go to the hospital. I've seen more than my share of ambulances used as taxis, but at the end of the day, if they want to go, lets go. I get paid the same, my boss is happier, and it's less liability...