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  1. E

    Age Limitations

    Hey Radar your not from my area are you?? Just kidding we have some on our squad that are 19/20 and have a range up to probley about 60ish. I have to agree that there shouldn't be an age limit necessarily but when you have some one who can't lift, get down on their knees, nor hear is when...
  2. E

    What would you do in this situation?

    If your a I of P squad start a line of fluids I would probley TKO or a slow drip not knowing how it would affect the cardiac status she has as if she really has been locked in the bathroom and not eating she may be dehydrated. Start some O2 I think I would use a NC at 2-3 and recheck pulse ox...
  3. E

    Guess What???!!!

    :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: ... That says it all.
  4. E

    Happy Anniversary!!!

  5. E

    Mouth To Mouth

    Depending on the situation family member and close friend I would probley do mouth to mouth but if I didn't know the person then I would just do compressions. Besides I almost always have a barrior of some type with me.
  6. E

    FF/SCBA Removal

    For removal of SCBA I would say if you need to cut then cut other wise just loosen the straps. The tank is held on by straps that are similar to a back pack strap with two straps going across the front for proper alignment. There is one strap across the abdomen and the other is across the...
  7. E

    Who Knows

    I'm guessing Kidney??
  8. E

    Would you call your own ambulance service?

    I agree with Jon (don't let it go to your head) on this point like most probley will. I would feel comfortable with haveing most of the squad members picking up if it was necessary. If it was something minor where I really don't think full EMS response would be necessary I have a few...
  9. E

    Have a safe and Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year to everyoneB) :beerchug: