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  1. Wes


    Yes, I know that with the internet, some out there feel that books are old fashioned. However, I'm one of those people that still likes to turn the pages of paper and read a book. Which medical books do you all keep? Does anyone here keep physician-level books in their library? Just...
  2. Wes

    No RSI- Teeth clenched from Head Injury-WWYD

    Respectfully, I'd suggest a bit of research. I would imagine that "nasotracheal intubation" and "basilar skull fracture" on a generic search engine like Google or a medical related site such as PubMed would provide more than enough answers. It's great that you're a relatively new paramedic...
  3. Wes

    Williamson County TX 2011 Edition Ambulances

    Personal preference still is, and likely always will be, a Frazer Type I. Got to love the generator set with separate AC for the back of the truck, especially considering the "mild" weather we get here in Texas. :rofl:
  4. Wes

    Nationally Registered, but waiting on the state...

    Just as I understand it (and I'm not providing legal counsel here), passing the NREMT and possessing the NREMT certification does not provide the authority to practice as an EMS provider in any state. It is still the state's certification/licensure to grant. NREMT is, in most states, merely a...
  5. Wes

    No RSI- Teeth clenched from Head Injury-WWYD

    Hearing crap about state mandates and protocols makes me exceptionally proud to be a paramedic in Texas. Thank goodness we are an almost completely delegated practice state where EMS providers' protocols are written by the agency's medical directors. Thank goodness again that I'm fortunate...
  6. Wes

    Question from a quiz in my class

    And this is but another outstanding example of what's wrong with EMS education and BLS "training" in particular.
  7. Wes

    ALS Assist Skills for BLS Providers

    I'd also like to see the ALS assist materials from Delaware, please.
  8. Wes

    Best EMS Organizations

    Austin/Travis County EMS for the pay, promotional opportunities, and career path. (Not so much for being run into the ground and fairly "vanilla" protocols.) Harris County Emergency Corps (formerly Harris County ESD-1) for incredible protocols, phenomenal medical direction, and incredible...
  9. Wes

    EMTs (all levels) Then and Now....

    I'm noticing the same thing. I'm also wondering if I'm now "officially" old enough to :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: about "kids these days." It seems to me, at least, that many of the college-based EMS programs have lowered their standards as of late. Students whose...
  10. Wes

    EMS Expo

    Coming in Monday afternoon and leaving Sunday.
  11. Wes

    EMS Expo?

    D'oh! Sorry!
  12. Wes

    EMS Expo?

    Anyone here going to EMS Expo in Las Vegas?
  13. Wes

    Critical Care Transport Books and Literature

    Good advice. I actually used the Bledsoe book to supplement my paramedic course knowledge. The airway chapter is excellent. I'm still learning my craft as a paramedic. "Regular" EMS is enough of a challenge part-time without adding one of the critical care certs...
  14. Wes

    Critical Care Transport Books and Literature

    A lot of people also swear by the Bledsoe text:
  15. Wes

    Tips for Climbing the EMT Ladder?

    All of the suggestions are good ones. But I'll add one more -- get more experience somehow. Being a leader in your first responder group means that people will be counting on you. And having been involved with similar types of first responder groups, being involved in ONLY that group will not...
  16. Wes

    chemical restraint

    Mr. Brown -- our medical director absolutely loves Ketamine and encourages its use when appropriate, of course.
  17. Wes

    chemical restraint

    SEDATION/CHEMICAL RESTRAINT PARAMEDIC MILD SEDATION (i.e. Anxiety) • Versed 1-2 mg IV/IN, or • Ativan 0.5-2 mg IV/IM MODERATE SEDATION (Cardioversion, painful procedures, potential harm to self or others without psychiatric history) • Versed 2-5 mg IV/IN CHEMICAL RESTRAINT (Potental harm...
  18. Wes

    Paramedic School Started

    Best of luck.... ACC runs a tough program!
  19. Wes

    Paramedic School Started

    Where at?
  20. Wes

    Volunteer Paramedic?

    I'm VERY late to this thread, having just joined the website today. However, I'm a volunteer paramedic. In fact, I got my EMT-B, then my paramedic AFTER law school. I practice law full-time and volunteer as a paramedic near Houston. For me, the hardest part has been finding a...