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  1. J

    Longest shift, mood on shift and stress

    We do 48s every week. at another 24 or 48 in OT, hopefully straight. But we are slow. I had 3 patient transports last YEAR. I did 200 hours straight at my PT job last month, but it was relatively slow also. I had 10 refusals/cancels and 5 transports; of course the closest hospital is 110...
  2. J

    Medication Error Learning

    Just go back to the early part of Paramedic School and Nursing school pharmacology for every us all: 6 R's (most only teach 5). in this case. Right Patient: Sounds like it Right Medication: No Right Dose: wrong medication, so no Right concentration: Again wrong...
  3. J

    Rialto Medics refuse to enter SNF, Claiming Unspecified COVID law.

    What insurance policy covers $100 Million? and sorry, but unless there is a written policy in place somewhere that they don't go into facilities anywhere in the city for Cardiac Arrests the crew is going to lose
  4. J

    How many hours a week?

    FT Job is 48 hours on 5 days off. extra 24 hour OT once in a while I made $100,000 plus a year, the last 2 years. PT job varies, paid on call; really weird pay rate; closest hospital is 110 miles furthest (Level I's are 135 miles). I usually work 48-72 when I work there. Last month I...
  5. J

    Medic One

    Wow, how bi is Acadian getting now?
  6. J

    The Gun Thread

    Just bought a new Glock 27, to go with my Glock 23. Both in 40 Cal. easier to conceal the 27. Cleaned out my older truck yesterday to sell it, and found 7 boxes of ammo that I have misplaced over the years. Another 350 rounds. Another reason to stay in the same caliber.
  7. J

    Totally disabled and abandoned transport.

    I feel so sorry for people like that; There aren't enough beds in ECF's for them, and people can't afford them. Family can't always take care of them. My wife and I have that to look forward to, we don't have kids, and our relatives are actually older on both sides of the family; so if we...
  8. J

    EMT questions

    I was working Retail as a manager for a company that no longer exists, taking my Scout troop to summer camp every year to a camp that the only building that had AC was the Health Lodge and I was smart and volunteered there: I wanted to get more medical training to help there so I went to the...
  9. J

    12 Lead EKG Electrode Placement

    A cardiologist came to our Medic class one day (after Cardiology section) and our instructor asked him that question. Back in 2004 His answer is; my people eyeball it; so can you
  10. J

    Paramedics For ukraine

    I work on a Federal level, and 2 weeks before Russia invaded there was a long list of civilian jobs at European bases. Good pay, TDY (3-6 month posts). No EMS jobs though
  11. J

    New Mexico Paramedic License

    Wow who do you work for? I am off 5 days a week, and I can trade shifts; so I can work Sunday Monday, week 1, and Friday Saturday week 2, and have 10 days off and use no leave to do it. Even though I am married I am bored, and my wife doesn't mind when I leave. LOL
  12. J

    Do you have to follow your Agency's clinical protocols exactly as written?

    FT. Half of our response area (sparsely populated in most cases) we have no radio or phone communications, sometimes for 40-50 miles: so yea we think outside the box (protocols). PT. we cover 8,000 square miles and probably 3,000 of it has no radio or cell coverage so the same thing. We have...
  13. J

    Abbreviation question

    Here is the problem of WNL or within normal limits: Unless you transport or treat that patient everyday and at the same time everyday, you have no idea what their normal is. I was part of a study 30 years ago and my VS were taken every hour 5 days a week for a 6 month period at a doctors...
  14. J

    Funny Ems phrases

    Where I work PT now, people are shocked when they get a $6,000 ambulance bill: 130 miles to the closest hospital. Usually people catch the fun bus with a 1 way ticket gamble their money away and then call 911 for a ride close to their home and are shocked to get a bill. More shocked when they...
  15. J

    Accelerated Paramedic Courses (Online/Hybrid)

    Percom and Texas EMS are both good programs based in Texas; know people who have graduated from both. You have to be great at studying on your own or forming study groups online
  16. J

    2022 EMS Conferences

    I am in Utah and I have never heard of the Crash and Learn Conference; where and when is it?
  17. J

    Summer Camp EMT Advice

    As a former Scout Camp EMT-B (2 summers, 1000-1200 Scouts and leaders per week, 150 staff members). I was on staff in 2002-2003. But it hasn't changed much. Make sure you have a Medical Director: which can be a GP (General Practitioner): ours was a Scout leader, former staff member at the...
  18. J

    Should I have had als on this call

    ALS can always lower BP; start an IV, and don't cap it off with a lock, until you bleed them enough to drop the BP; believe me, sooner or later the BP will drop. LOL, cheaper than leeches
  19. J

    What is HOSPITAL criteria for a stemi?

    I have seen hospitals do that before (been 14 years when I worked private service last): Transferred a patient from a small hospital to a larger one with a cath lab, but they sat on her for 8 hours 1st because her Troponin levels were all good. They decided to transfer her to be evaluated at...
  20. J

    Allergic reaction: epi yay or nay

    You carry and use steroids on the ambulance because it does help the patient; maybe not during the transport, but it helps in an hour or 2. But why wait until you get to the hospital for the clock on it to start? Then you are just making the patient wait longer for it to start helping. Also...