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  1. W

    Lazy medics should be shot

    This really bothered me, so I wanted to share it. I was working an extra shift before the holiday, and so had a different partner. I am only an EMT-S, although I just passed my class for Paramedic. Anyway, we get to wake up at 3 am for "injuries from assault." The lady's brother pushed her...
  2. W

    Your First Call

    My first call was a rollover on the interstate. 35M pt was ejected, his car rolled over him, and the car behind him ran him over too. He didn't have any soft-tissue injuries except a bloody nose, but was combative w/ a distentend, rock hard abd. We had to have PD handcuff him to the cot in...
  3. W

    How many of me?

    There are 12 of me. Poor people. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. :) Weretiger
  4. W

    I'm new here

    Hi Rhea from another newbie. I just passed my paramedic class last week, and am about to start on my internship. Lots of fun. Isn't EMS great?! weretiger
  5. W

    Is EMS really right for you?

    if only Hello all. My job predictions were: weretiger13---lap dancer real name---brain surgeon Whee! If only. Wouldn't that be cool. (I mean the brain surgeon, not the lap dancer, of course.) Either way, though, I'd probably be making more $ than I am now. :P As you've probably...