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  1. T

    How many survived your EMT class?

    I don't remember the numbers of people (around 31) but we lost 3 and had 2 not pass the NREMT within the 3 try window. Now my firefighter I&II class, we had 24, lost 6 and had 4 fail the state test.
  2. T

    EMT-B Random skill?

    Mine was and always has been Airway -- OPA/suction/NPA
  3. T

    Etmc ems

    I've seen some news reports that ETMC wanted one place to drop Champion and go with ETMC, which I'm sure could have got (heck even may have been) ugly. However, that's normal to a point most anywhere. When I was in AZ PMT and Rural/Metro Fire (Southwest Ambulance) fought over cities hard...
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    Etmc ems

    I'm guessing your with TLC? Any thoughts on services to look into or to stay clear of, because it doesn't look like I'll be finding anyone from ETMC.
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    Etmc ems

    Looks almost like they're hanging out on some PR event and don't want ot be there, but then there's the fire truck in the background, so I almost thinks its on a call and they still odn't want to be there?:unsure: Either way I hope that's not really the pilot and flight medic because having a...
  6. T

    Etmc ems

    $26,000 a year is about on par with the EMT-B jobs in were I used to live. I'm not sure about what the other places pay, most don't justr offer out the information. Medics get 33,500, which I by all means plan on doing after a few more years as a basic.
  7. T

    Etmc ems

    ETMC EMS Ground. The pay isn't all that bad, I got that from their recruiter, I was shocked he told me without even being asked.:o Most places want to keep that quite, but the fact he told me without being asked seemed pretty cool to me.
  8. T

    Etmc ems

    No the name is deceiving now that I'm in Texas. I went to Tidewater Community College (in VA) when I was in the Navy. My wife and I moved back to Texas after I got out. Yeah, the uniforms are a little different; they wouldn’t be quite so bad if it were darker green (think Acadian green)
  9. T

    Etmc ems

    Any work for or have worked for ETMC that could tell me more about them. I've seen the website, but can't seem to find much online about what people think of them.