Search results

  1. G

    ER Tech?

    yeah...typed in "ER Tech" and "Names for ER Tech"...didn't think of that one though so I did try. Thanks though, now I know right where to find it.
  2. G

    Other names for ER Tech?

    All I know is...I'm looking for a job to get out of lifeguarding so I practice the things I've been taught...and every hospital I look at is looking for a "licensed" CNA...MUST BE A CNA...with if you're an have to "back down" to meet the requirements.
  3. G

    ER Tech?

    Okay, I saw a topic somewhere on this forum awhile back with other names for an EMT-Basic for the hospital side. Now I can't find it. I want to apply at a hospital (in the ER hopefully) and they said "look online for an opening" so, I'm cruising the site, and I don't know what other names...
  4. G

    What are we attracting to enter EMS?

    Okay, I just passed my NREMT. I decided that I wanted to go into EMS junior year of high school (after a summer of lifeguarding, I loved the feeling of being able to help people.) Right before my class started I was doubting whether or not I was picking the right job. I decided to stick with...
  5. G

    From a soon to be student

    I had an interview with a company to stock/wash/prep ambulances until I turn old enough to work in the field. The interviewers asked questions kike I was applying to work in the field. They asked me how I felt knowing that I would get paid little, and also get little respect. I remember...
  6. G

    basic O2 q

    That's interesting... My instructor made it "fun." First she taught us how to put it on. Then we practiced putting it on, checking pressure, opening, bleeding etc. Then we had to do it with our eyes closed... Then we had races to see who could do it the fatest with their eyes closed...
  7. G

    Help with questions....

    I'm new to the site as well, and retook my 2nd NREMT last week. I passed. I would have to agree with the poster that says the information is in our book. Although I would gladly answer questions, I would higly encourage the applicant to very carefully go through his materials. I didn't...