From a soon to be student

Thank you

Thanks to everyone actually who responded to my questions I do appreciate it very much so. I know that I am going to have to work hard in this next process in my life coming up I guess it all just hit me all of a sudden now that class is finally here but I am going to go through with my course. Full speed ahead!.

Thanks Again
I had an interview with a company to stock/wash/prep ambulances until I turn old enough to work in the field. The interviewers asked questions kike I was applying to work in the field. They asked me how I felt knowing that I would get paid little, and also get little respect. I remember saying "it doesn't matter." When they asked why I said that, I replied "because it's what I want to do."

I took a job once, lifeguarding, for 10.50/hr. I knew the neighborhood, the people. But, I ended up quitting because I didn't like it. I was told I was making a mistake to "give up such good money for a lifeguard." But, it didn't matter. I went to another company, making 8/hr. I worked the same there as I did at my previous company, they liked what they saw, and I got a promotion and a raise..still not up to 10.50, but I'm quite happy, and was when I was making 8. I'd rather be happy and making less than more and hating where I work. :)
Expect to take up smoking. Drinking Coffee. Missing appointments. And pay.... well it aint that good starting out. Or being in for a long time! Expect a second job!! :)

But, I was an IT Engineer before this. Took a 20K pay drop. Never looked back. This is THE career, IMHO!

My diet consists of Carls JR and Starbux. LOTS, AND LOTS OF COFFEE!!! Thats why I do it!!! just kidding. I have to work two jobs, but my love for ems compensates. It is grueling but satisfying. I would much rather the cut in pay in a job with long hours when at the end of the day you feel like you accomplished something than work in a call center for lots of money, accomplishing nothing.!!! I enjoy that i can bring some hope to someone elses life.:rolleyes:
Thank you

Thanks to everyone actually who responded to my questions I do appreciate it very much so. I know that I am going to have to work hard in this next process in my life coming up I guess it all just hit me all of a sudden now that class is finally here but I am going to go through with my course. Full speed ahead!.

Thanks Again

GO FOR IT!!! GOOD LUCK!!! IT is worth it!!!