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  1. karaya

    Happy Birthday Sapphyre!!!

    Happy Birthday!!
  2. karaya

    Fire captain arrested for blocking traffic at an MVA

    This is old guys. Already been threaded here several times.
  3. karaya

    ER mistakes blamed on medical dramas

    Seems like some of our future docs watch just a tad bit too much TV!
  4. karaya

    Md. shock trauma head denounces Medevac delay bill

    No, as a matter of fact that is another issue concerning the MSP HEMS system; they don't charge for any of their transports! Maryland taxpayers pick up the entire tab. The argument is that private HEMS can provide much of the transport service that MSP currently provides thus saving millions...
  5. karaya

    Md. shock trauma head denounces Medevac delay bill

    This is a good one! Maryland's shock trauma head, Dr. Thomas Scalea, is having kittens over the possible bill to delay the purchase of new helicopters so a commission can investigate emergency helicopter use in Maryland. He further stated that the delay could mean dispatchers may have to use...
  6. karaya

    Whats your take ???

    Or perhaps the reporter got it wrong? They've been known to mis-quote from time to time.
  7. karaya

    Whats your take ???

    Seems like there are several points raised as to why a city should not use a system similar to Houston. But, this program seems to be picking up more interest, especially due to the success of Richmond and Philadelphia's program. Cincinnati and Houston are just two more major cites to adopt this...
  8. karaya

    Whats your take ???

    That may be. But, if you look at the Houston program, if an emergency is detected by the tele-nurse, the call is then transfered back to the 911 center. Seems like some thought was put in for safeguards. Perhaps, Richmond has the same?
  9. karaya

    Whats your take ???

    This very topic was already discussed a couple months ago here: This is newer in concept and different than the Dallas debacle. This is a tele-nurse system whereas the Dallas program actually used nurses as dispatchers...
  10. karaya

    Rollover on Freeway off-duty.

    That's it.
  11. karaya

    Rollover on Freeway off-duty.

    I can't find anything that says she is guilty in a civil trial. The ruling in December from the California Supreme Court just rules that she is not immune from civil liability under California's Good Samaritan law; therefore, a civil liability suit can now proceed. This ruling is highly...
  12. karaya

    Rollover on Freeway off-duty.

    Couple points of order. I think you are referring to the recent California case whereby the courts have allowed a suit against a Good Samaritan to proceed. However, in this case, the Good Samaritan believed the car would burst into flames when in fact the car was not on fire at all. From what...
  13. karaya

    Local Man Billed for Firetruck He Didn't Use

    It's more common than you think! Here is a report to the Santa Rosa Fire Department that supports charging for fire department responses to medical calls. Look at the end of the report for a listing of other California fire departments that charge in addition to ambulance charges for the fire...
  14. karaya

    Security Guards

    Here is a link to one of the articles that I discussed earlier. It's actually from an earlier article published by Page, Wolfberg and Wirth, LLC. However, in the article you will find what I was referring to earlier as an "incidental disclosure" whereby...
  15. karaya

    Security Guards

    Yes, I'll dig this info back up again. It was a very good piece that really centered around what we call "HIPAA Hysteria", which I find quite common in my travels. You are correct about the transmission of data, but when HIPAA came to life, there were a ton of assumptions about dispatch centers...
  16. karaya

    Security Guards

    HIPAA is very clear about not interfering with the care of a patient. For instance, in many areas it is common for dispatch to give out the patient's name to EMS responding to a call since in many rural areas that is the best way for crews to locate the residence. This was an actual example...
  17. karaya

    EMS and taking pictures of incidents...

    You shouldn't do it at all unless your employer clearly outlines in a policy format that scene photography of any kind is within the scope of your employment. Without any authorization from your employer, your best bet is to forget the MOI and evidence photography.
  18. karaya

    EMS and taking pictures of incidents...

    Your logic, although plausible in its intent, is exactly what is getting medics into trouble. If "documenting MOI is part of the job", then the EMS providers needs to put that in a policy format that clearly spells out just what MOI documentation will take place and the proper chain of custody...
  19. karaya

    EMS and taking pictures of incidents...

    Unless your employer has specific policies, guidelines, etc. as to the taking of scene photos, you shouldn't take one single image. Especially if you value your employment! I've authored numerous articles on this very subject including one that appeared in the July 2008 issue of JEMS magazine...
  20. karaya

    piercings and tattoos

    Noticing RielHalfBreed's avatar, it's no wonder why he is so passionate about tattoos.