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We are bls registered and in proses of opening an ambulance service but we have a question some is telling tow truckers to chase us away from site if they find us what can happen to us and the person who run us of site if we the only medical on site
We are bls registered and in proses of opening an ambulance service but we have a question some is telling tow truckers to chase us away from site if they find us what can happen to us and the person who run us of site if we the only medical on site
Sounds like you should consult an attorney (preferably one familiar with business and ambulance company regulations in whatever part of the world you're located in). But hopefully, when you contact them, you use this thing called "punctuation". No one's expecting a College English class essay, but some basics like periods, commas, capitalization, not using one long run one sentence, would go a long way with communicating what your issue actually is, and what solutions would be applicable to you.
We are bls registered and in proses of opening an ambulance service but we have a question some is telling tow truckers to chase us away from site if they find us what can happen to us and the person who run us of site if we the only medical on site
If you're in the process of opening an ambulance services, that implies you're not a licensed ambulance service yet. You're going to have to look at your state laws regarding the towing of ambulances at emergency scenes and non-emergency scenes (yes, there can be a difference).

Also, this isn't Mother, Juggs, and Speed anymore. if you're not dispatched to a call that means you don't get to roll up on your own. if you do self dispatch, then yes, you can be towed.