Recent content by waaaemt

  1. W

    WA EMT been out of the game for a few years

    Hey yall I'm an EMT with a probably expired cert now with 6 years of experience. Started kind of looking at the market again and saw that NW Amb is in Pierce co now??? Are they running with CPFD or just IFT? What else has changed in the area?
  2. W

    Expired Washington State EMT

    Hey yall I'm here in Washington state, worked private for 6 years and quit just iver a year ago. My WA State cert expired this last November 2018. My NREMT is expired as well. But now I kinda miss it so thought it would be nice to just have my NREMT. Here in WA, you need to renew based on...
  3. W

    Ems in dekalb county Georgia

    I don't know first hand anything about that area, just what I been told
  4. W

    Ems in dekalb county Georgia

    Have a coworker from is from Dekalb and moved back there. Primary ALS 911, he says he get's at least 1 full code per shift. Pay is way better than anything you'll see on the West Coast.
  5. W

    NY 911

    Where? Link? I searched their site and didn't find anything. Also why would LIJ have info about pay, scheduling, contracts, etc of private ambulance companies?
  6. W

    NY 911

    I'm wondering about 911 ambulance services in Ny that are not FDNY such as SeniorCare, Citywide, Midwood, etc, as well as the Hospital based services. Wondering about pay, contracts, response, primary/secondary, schedule, etc. Thanks!
  7. W

    US to New Zealand

    Really?? Do you work in the UK? I'd love more info. Are they recruiting paramedics only or willing to train EMTs?
  8. W

    US to New Zealand

    Thanks for all the info! Very helpful. I am considering doing the 1 year working holiday visa just to have an adventure. Do you have recommendations for work for someone doing that? Not necessarily as a medic or anything. Would be interested to volunteer while there too.
  9. W

    Vacancy with RMI

    Oh nice! So I saw they are hiring for Advanced EMTs. Would you happen to know what locations they deploy to? And how much they pay as well as schedule? Thanks for any info!
  10. W

    Vacancy with RMI

    Hi, Pond Life. Are you an official rep of RMI? If you are or have first hand experience, I have some questions I'd like to ask you. Thanks!
  11. W

    RM/AMR pierce county/tacoma

    haha yep, can't write this stuff :P
  12. W

    RM/AMR pierce county/tacoma

    They always have as long as Dr. Waffle has been around. I should clarify 911 transport ambulances are required to have ALS unless they have a variance approved by the county. Definitely ALS over kill imo. ILS would be fine but what do I know :P I'm guessing you were on a an engine or something?
  13. W

    Sierra Amber & RM/AMR Santa Clara

    Definitely 911 and I'm open to info about anything in the area!
  14. W

    Las Vegas EMS Updates?
  15. W

    Las Vegas EMS Updates?

    There is a thread up in "EMS talk" I think... about the whole Vegas Fire vs AMR thing. Last I read, sounds like AMR is getting only the BS calls while FD takes true ALS. But idk maybe that changed recently?