Recent content by The trauma queen

  1. The trauma queen

    Heart issue...?

    Thanks. The dr wants me to wait and do another echo next year to see if it has grown. So that is a whole year of waiting. I have already done 12, and 24hr shifts. I am working fulltime now just in a different field and I have learned to get used to and push past the fatigue. I was...
  2. The trauma queen

    Heart issue...?

    Hey. :D So, I have been certified as an EMT for awhile, but I haven't actually worked in the field. I'm getting ready to go back for medic school, and my instructor suggested that I start working EMS to build up my resume. I have been having chest pain and just found out I have ASD (a...
  3. The trauma queen

    Careflite employee reviews

    Did you take the job offer? If so, how has it been? I was offered EMT and haven't decided yet