Recent content by mycrofft

  1. mycrofft

    Feeling good but old, now inactive in EMS and disaster prep. There is life after EMS if you plan...

    Feeling good but old, now inactive in EMS and disaster prep. There is life after EMS if you plan and act.
  2. mycrofft

    Forum hostility

    Hi just dropping in. (sigh) It's like whackamole. Still an outstanding website. The members need to hold up their end by being civil and constructive and adult. Want an example of a "failed state" website? Try the boom-bust "Second Life". The participants have turned it into a ghetto whete once...
  3. mycrofft

    No longer active. Got ablated but poor result. Carry on.

    No longer active. Got ablated but poor result. Carry on.
  4. mycrofft

    Would like to clean out my pictures, but can't find them.

    Are albums still around somewhere, or do I need the Platinum Paramedic ;) account to view them? Happy holidays!
  5. mycrofft

    Happy TGiving sir!

    Happy TGiving sir!
  6. mycrofft

    Happy Thanksgiving to those away from home/country

    If you're on duty, and especially if you are overseas, have safe and satisfying holiday, and remember to "pay it on".
  7. mycrofft

    Transporting an Arrest, Question on a Call

    The phrase "Nothing to do in the hospital I can't do in my bus" is a sign of pride and hubris and mayube ignorance. The concept of universal "Snatch and run" is a denial of responsibility. Field operators need to know how to balance and choose based on each case; it isn't an either/or, zero-sum...
  8. mycrofft

    Liberian traveler brings Ebola to Dallas, TX

    We now have 200 troops in west Africa to help. "Stars and Stripes:" reports a total of 1,400 will be deployed to build infrastructure and logistics, not to render patient care.
  9. mycrofft

    Mobile Radio - how to use it

    Right on, Akulahawk, Brandon, and EMDispatch. Honorable mention to the rest. ;) PPS: If you somehow wind up driving and using a hand mike, steer with hand-shuffling instead of hand over hand or you WILL wind up…the mike cord, around the steering column. Or am I dating myself here?
  10. mycrofft

    Racism?- long post*

    Couldn't get a good explanation, as I did. Now I'm dialed in better.
  11. mycrofft

    Effective home-made occlusive dressing ideas

    Good work. But some people will shut down when you lay them supine without any constriction or injury at all. Yeah, if it is done just right, it is quite occlusive. (PS: left on for long periods, say, overnight, it will also encoutage growth of bacteria, including facultative and strict...
  12. mycrofft

    Liberian traveler brings Ebola to Dallas, TX Pt was asymptomatic when he boarded a plane in Liberia but became febrile 4-5 days after entrance to the...
  13. mycrofft

    Racism?- long post*

  14. mycrofft

    Effective home-made occlusive dressing ideas

    Anytime you cut a corner you invite criticism and failure. Circumferential saran wrap can cause asphyxia because it is too tight (can't expand chest) or it can fail (too loose). And you have to be able to carry and apply it practically. Try peeling off Saran wrap in the dark with your gloves...
  15. mycrofft

    Racism?- long post*

    And the EMS tie-in is……..