Recent content by lcfr09

  1. L

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    70 something and passed!!! i was worried that i didn't pass...
  2. L

    UHF or VHF

    we're paged out over VHF, but for everything else we use the SLERS system which is 800mhz, we only use UHF for communicating with the hospitals which is slowly getting phased out due to the implementing of the MOTOBRIDGE from Motorola....
  3. L

    BLS in Gainesville

    citrus county is privately owned by nature coast EMS and levy is county run
  4. L

    Are You Prepared or Just a Wacker?

    when i meant i kept it with me i meant in my toolbox so ya....
  5. L

    Wrong E-mail

  6. L

    Are You Prepared or Just a Wacker?

    bunker gear and gloves...thats it