Recent content by John707

  1. J

    This just happened...

    wow thats crazy i heard about this but didn't see anything thats crazy
  2. J

    The Ultimate Question

    this was awesome thanks for the laughs
  3. J

    Duck refuses care...

    All i can say is cheers to the special people in this world. With out them it would be a boring world.
  4. J

    Don't be alarmed if you see this on one of your calls

    that is just down right disturbing
  5. J

    Alberta ambulance accident

    that is just crazy I live in calgary and this is the first I'm hearing about it. I have to say it's nice to read that everyone in the ambulance will be ok.
  6. J

    Need help - International Reciprocity

    When it comes to schooling i would say stay in Alberta. From what i have heard BC schooling is not transferable. But im not 100% sure about that. For schools i only know southern Alberta i took my EMR at Alberta Health and Safety Training Institue. Most of the people i have talk to either took...
  7. J

    You are who!

    like everyone else congrats that is awesome who would of guessed
  8. J

    "Taking Chance"

    that looks like a great movie, I will definitely watch thanks for the heads up.
  9. J

    Future EMT-B

    good luck brad and congrats on the wife and daughter. I agree with Linuss when he says not to take them together. I'm currently taking A/P and its difficult i find at least. Oh and welcome from another newbie to the life of EMS. your taking the EMT-B right?
  10. J

    EMR... finally

    Thats pretty cool to know thanks traumateam. Oh and good luck with your EMR
  11. J

    The dreaded ACP Exam....

    Regarding what Kendall said on the good night sleep very very important. Speaking from personal experience I only about 3 hours sleep the night before my EMR scenario. Still passed but it was thee most terrifying test i have ever done. mainly because i could barely think straight
  12. J

    EMR... finally

    i thought the BC version of EMR was the OFA Level 3 although i may be wrong
  13. J

    Some photos from work

    The best out of all of them for me is the funeral home van in front of the ER. Although i have to admit it took me about 4 minutes to realize what it was.
  14. J

    the 100% directionless thread

    i would hate to be working right now it is -40 with the wind brrrr COLD
  15. J

    The Urban Legend ER

    hahaha thanks for the post n7lxi needed the laugh pop rocks and coke lol