Recent content by IsraelEMS

  1. IsraelEMS

    EMS Boat

    They transport the whole ambulance? That is interesting. Why wouldn't you just fly the patient at that point? Is this faster (or maybe less expensive for noncritial patients)?
  2. IsraelEMS

    EMS Boat

    We have a few like that here in Israel. I haven't worked on them since my regioun is in the mountins and dessert. I know they have been very helpful in water rescues.
  3. IsraelEMS

    Can We Talk About Methadone?

    They were not normal breaths though. It was clearly distress as each breath was coming from his intercostal muscals and required a lot of work. He clearly couldn't keep that up for long before tiring out. Does that make a difference? @FiremanMike How do the two drugs you mentioned differ from...
  4. IsraelEMS

    Can We Talk About Methadone?

    T Ok, so that could in part explain the breathing. I have seen other od pts go from fine to sudden respiratory arrest. His was more like a massive drop that then stabilized, although, even with O2 I still don't understand how he maintained 92% at only 8 breaths per minute. My protocol has...
  5. IsraelEMS

    Small Stuff to Make Life Easier - Best Purchases Under $25

    So glad I live in a desert! I really DO NOT do cold. Insulated Contigo water bottle. No spills and lots of hydration. Not sure what it's called but the thing that goes in the cigaret lighter and connects blue tooth to the radio of the ambulance so we can listed to music I really would like...
  6. IsraelEMS

    Can We Talk About Methadone?

    Yes, If his rr is normal, he is not showing signs of respitory distress and his color is normal 92% is fine. No reason to treat what is not broken.
  7. IsraelEMS

    Can We Talk About Methadone?

    So how does it help with Opiate addiction?
  8. IsraelEMS

    Dumbest Questions People Ask You

    Ok, I have another one. I was teaching a group of American teens who are here for the year and we got to trauma. I mentioned the thorasic cavity a student got offended!! I explained that cavity was refering to hollow spaces. The student jumped up and said "I'm not hollow inside! Maybe you are...
  9. IsraelEMS

    Can We Talk About Methadone?

    I just treated my first Methadone overdose and want to know more about it (it's very uncommon here and in 20 years this was my first such case). We were called by a bystander who saw a man he judged to be about 90 who seemed very confussed and was struggling to get into his house. We arrived to...
  10. IsraelEMS

    Dumbest Questions People Ask You

    As an instructor I have been asked some odd thing including "can you use the defibrillator on me so I know how it feels?" And "Wouldn't it be better if we did cpr with our foot?"
  11. IsraelEMS

    Trauma Shears Recommendations?

    Thought I would update. I received the XShears in December and since then have had ample opportunities to use them. They are amazing. They cut through everything including motorcycle gear (he had some kind of mobile airbags on his clothes that deployed but they went straight through all the...
  12. IsraelEMS


  13. IsraelEMS


    I understand. So we can always see if the call to us came from fire or police or if either was called by our dispatch based on the info from the caller. In fact I can see all other personel on a call (meaning who is in the BLS or ALS ambulance or the names of any first responders who might be...
  14. IsraelEMS


    @M3dicalR3dn3ck PD comes to a call for bleeding even without report of assult?
  15. IsraelEMS


    I agree with E Tank. Did she tell dispatch that it was an assult?