Recent content by FK911

  1. F

    Anyone heard of Redpoint solutions?

    I have heard of them. If your still in medic school? Then this would be my advise. Don’t look at companies like them that do international security work and some form of EMS support. Here is why. If u make a mistake as medic, you could Loose your P card The difference between EMT AND EMT P Is...
  2. F

    EMT makes big mistake

    If you relplying to me. I am the boss. I am the director. You have responded to 2 of my posts on this forum in a very hostile way. I don’t smoke weed. Like I said above. The “looking for support” was satire in response to another post where u said the OP was looking for support. Our personal...
  3. F

    Serious Question: Why Does Fire-based EMS sometimes produce such low results?

    And a good attorney will hang them at a jury trial. This question will be asked on cross examination How many hours a month do you spend on training? How many hours of that is in fire suppression and rescue? Can you produce training logs to vailidate your answer? How many hours are spend on...
  4. F

    EMT makes big mistake

    It’s obvious the OP came here looking for support. He never smoked weed that much so he is new to the process. Weed is not a term used in all states. By the way. Weed is legal in the state I work in. And I have never heard of someone failing for a single binge session on the weed pipe...
  5. F

    Pre paramedic student podcast or video series follow the the links. Get the podcast also
  6. F

    Actual qualified medics.

    So. Some background would be nice. Where are you talking about. This is a complex issue. One of the first steps would be to legislate a law that restricts the use of the star of life to certified EMS agencies and personel Number two. This is EMS in America and It needs change. Radically and...
  7. F

    RN to Paramedic in CA

    I don’t think it’s possible anymore due to the NREMT accreditation policy. So I don’t think u can challenge the NRP exam Anymore. Anyway really why why would u want to? There is a ton more jobs as a nurse than as a medic. This Is the problem with EMS at the moment. The hodge podege of rules and...
  8. F

    NE to CA. Californiaians help please

    Pretty much all of the above sums up the totally non professional situation in Southern California. The question you should ask yourself is what is your goal with becoming an EMT. I have to say that I see a lot of people becoming EMTs who are not well suited to the job. If you want to become a...
  9. F

    Phoenix EMS

    Ever heard of ABC Ambulance
  10. F

    Phoenix EMS

    The company deals mostly with physche patients. He was they are telling him he is mandated by protocol to start an IV. Is this Arizona protocol? He was saying most of the patients are agitated and he was having trouble getting IVs on them. He said they shift the story a lot. Saying the...
  11. F

    Phoenix EMS

    Had a strange talk with a friend of mine who had a short run with a company in Phoenix. lets say the company name starts with A and ends with C. Has anyone else had any experience with this company. He said the situation was very strange and he could not make sense of what they wanted except...
  12. F


    I thought Florida went to national registry ???
  13. F

    Good example of how for profit EMS is a job killer
  14. F

    How can I get my first job as an EMT? Any advice is appreciated

    There are some companies that will hire u as an attendant only gig. That's because they have EMTs that do not want to do patient care. Don't say anything up front. Just go to the interview. Your documentation skills better be spot on Know how to write a PCR that will get paid. Go to the...
  15. F

    Phoenix (AZ) Ambulance Services

    Can't check BGL. Mostly because basic can't give D50. In Katrina one of the main issues encountered was non compliance due to lost or meds not being accessible. So cal should have a disaster protocol. Becuse when the 9.5 Roller hits. U basics are going to be on your own. But will the county...