Phoenix EMS


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Had a strange talk with a friend of mine who had a short run with a company in Phoenix.
lets say the company name starts with A and ends with C.
Has anyone else had any experience with this company. He said the situation was very strange and he could not make sense of what they wanted except that they wanted to mostly turn BLS calls in to ALS calls by starting an IV.
Discuss ?????
I haven't personally had any runs with any Phoenix EMS, but without any more information on the calls I find it odd to think they are turning BLS into ALS just by starting an IV. A chest pain call can be a STEMI or it can be caused by a number of other things that aren't cardiac related and don't require any ALS intervention (most common) but regardless if we are transferring to the E.D. We are starting a line because I know for a fact the E.D. is going to start one anyway when that patient gets into the hospital.
The company deals mostly with physche patients.
He was they are telling him he is mandated by protocol to start an IV. Is this Arizona protocol?
He was saying most of the patients are agitated and he was having trouble getting IVs on them.
He said they shift the story a lot.
Saying the physche facility comes up with exsagerated Cheif complaints that were not really close to what the patients symptoms are and he could not really find acute symptoms that matched.
He is now one pissed off medic
So now he thinks they just want the IVs for billing.
Ever heard of ABC Ambulance

I live in Phoenix & it sounds like from what I can find on them, they are a rinky dink little 5 ambulance company doing whatever they can to upgrade their charges to get paid more. That’s at least what I can gather from frivolous lawsuits they have filed against AZ EMS