Recent content by fenris911

  1. F

    How long to take test after course?

    I completed the EMT-B course in Montana, and passed the practicals. I recall reading that I had two years to take the NREMT CBT exam. I have been out of stare for several months and have not been able to make arrangements for testing. I can find nothing on the NREMT site about how long to...
  2. F

    Failed practical

    Our class failed it also. They had a restless teenage girl as the programmed patient who kept sliding up and down and moving her legs (I doubt this would happen in the field) where I had to re-assess the straps several times. I got the re-evaluating device part, but I missed the device...
  3. F

    Cardiac Arrest Management practical

    Thanks. One more question: where I would check effectiveness of compressions and ventilations, what would be the best way to show that the ventilations are effective, assuming they may not use the "Rescue Annie" w/the indicator light?
  4. F

    Cardiac Arrest Management practical

    thanks for the reply. this is the problem -- i have been shwon to do it the way you just stated, and then shown to check pulse before using the AED to anylyse ... to estabish need , i guess. still confused. i have tried to contact some recently certified EMT-Bs i know, but could not...
  5. F

    Having Trouble Passing NREMT-B - Suggestions?

    Damn, I just joined this forum, and already there is flaming. For myself, I'll take Ridryder911's advise on most things after looking at his profile, but I think us newbies need to post what we need to post. I have taken many IT cert tests with the adaptive system, and that is how they work...
  6. F

    Practice Questions

    I'm not to sure about Brady either. But it is what we used. I went on Amazon and picked up a used copy of "EMT Basic exam test prep by Learning Express", as mentioned. It looks like the best bet. It has also been helpfull in preping for the practicals. I also go a study guide that is...
  7. F

    Trauma assement

    I have veiwed many videos and other training materials for the practicals. -- especially the trauma assement. I have always understood that you would have two ghost EMTs. Now I am told only one. Aslo, on every video I watched they actually did a rapid trauma accessment, and then the...
  8. F

    Cardiac Arrest Management practical

    confussed We have had two differnent sheets. One appears it may be older and the other appears to be a little like the one the posters showd on this thread -- it does not say stop cpr by the bystander, but the critical points include: "did not necceitate use of AED." I have great...