Recent content by DragonClaw

  1. DragonClaw


    Find a good program and commit to it. Not all programs are created equal. Be humble in what you don't know.
  2. DragonClaw


    It's been awhile But I am pleased to announce that I am officially a paramedic. :D
  3. DragonClaw

    Pre-hospital differentiation of occlusive and hemorrhaging stroke

    They have prehospital CT in ambulances? Don't they get hot if they're not supercooled?
  4. DragonClaw

    Pre-hospital differentiation of occlusive and hemorrhaging stroke

    So I was thinking about how in the field we can't test for stroke types, only if one is present. Why? If you have a heart attack, you can test troponin to tell how bad it is. If you have a dissection, you can check a D-Dimer. Are there markers for strokes like this? I would imagine so...
  5. DragonClaw

    the 100% directionless thread

    Rehearsal tomorrow. I've never begen involved in a wedding before, this is exciting that it's my own. New glasses will be waiting for me after lab.
  6. DragonClaw

    EMT Wrist Watch - Taking Pulse with No Second Hand

    I have a pretty accurate counting ability in my head. So I'd just count the seconds if needed. And I have tested I am accurate. Edit: I do have a second hand and do use it, but it is an option for me. I just like watching the seconds go by. ADHD likes moving things.
  7. DragonClaw

    the 100% directionless thread

    Married in 3 days now. Almost 2. :D
  8. DragonClaw

    the 100% directionless thread

    Respiratory sans cardiac arrest?
  9. DragonClaw

    the 100% directionless thread

    Today is 2 years with my man. Then in 2 short weeks, we'll be wed. Exciting time
  10. DragonClaw

    the 100% directionless thread

    I inclined the front and burped it for like an hour before :/
  11. DragonClaw

    the 100% directionless thread

    My car also had air in the lines so if it gets a reading of hot air rather than fluid it will read hotter than it should as well.
  12. DragonClaw

    the 100% directionless thread

    I did a citric acid flush on my core, a lot of gunk came out. Seemed to fix it after a bad thermostat got swapped out as well on my 4Runner. (Which isn't driven much due to gas prices and a brake issue but getting the part today hopefully that fixes it) We were very lucky to get a camry...
  13. DragonClaw

    the 100% directionless thread

    Me and my fiancé were both on a truck together peak COVID and got coughed all over without enough PPE and properly sized masks. Even once picking up out of burn unit converted to a COVID ward but nobody told us we were going into an iso ward, wasn't in dispatch notes, no signs, nothing till we...
  14. DragonClaw

    the 100% directionless thread

    Oh yeah I started a business in my away time. I've had moderate success.
  15. DragonClaw

    the 100% directionless thread

    Yeah that's rough dude. I've had that.