Recent content by DME107

  1. DME107

    Emergency Ambulance Service is hiring Drivers and Attendants!

    Implying you have non driving EMT's or are all employees drivers?
  2. DME107

    Galveston, TX

    Call and find out
  3. DME107

    Will AMR DQ me for driving record?

    Real question is why work for amr in the Los Angeles area?
  4. DME107

    Liberty Ambulance Kern County Hiring EMTs and Paramedics

    Any updates on this? I remember seeing in article about it but didn't have anything more then the intent to purchase
  5. DME107

    AMR anyone?

    Amr = almost made rent
  6. DME107

    Schaefer Ambulance Service

    It will be interesting to see what happens with Monrovia and the children's hospital contracts. I bet care will make a bid for Monrovia and who knows for chla.
  7. DME107

    Schaefer Ambulance Service

    Also as a follow-up I heard that the Imperial Valley has been hard for many ambulance companies in the past due to many migrant workers not having insurance or medi-cal which pays basically nothing for transports. It is incredibly sad to see one of the most historic ambulance companies in the...
  8. DME107

    Schaefer Ambulance Service

    Things went downhill for Schaefer after they lost the Foothill lacofd contract. It was definitely weird not seeing Schaefer working in Pomona. I guess it sounds like the company was ran into the ground by current management / ownership. Mr. Schaefer is rolling in his grave.
  9. DME107

    AMR physical

    If their hiring process is similar to Ventura which I'm sure it is, the hiring process is pretty easy. Interview with operations, easy physical test (gurney lifting, carrying a first in bag and monitor up stairs and down .... Ect). A week or two of classroom training. FTO. Basically the same...
  10. DME107

    AMR Ventura

    Yeah thats definitely the vibe I'm getting. i know they dont hire EMT's very often.
  11. DME107

    AMR Ventura

    Interviewed today and got a job offer a couple hours later. Looking to possibly jump ship out of LA county / care. Anyone have some more current information on amr operations in Ventura? Are they still union?? Starting emt pay? Any possibility of getting a 24? Most everything I found here was...
  12. DME107

    McCormick vs AMR/AMR vs McCormick

    Haha junior.... You have no idea who I am or how long I have been around. Keep talking old timer. AMR can and will do what it wants so why get all serious about it.
  13. DME107

    McCormick vs AMR/AMR vs McCormick

    Clearly you didn't get the joke, but old timers on this site are funny. It's obvious they only want mccormick because of the previously lost la county contracts. I'm sure in the end it's a good thing for current mccormick employees but what do I know.
  14. DME107

    McCormick vs AMR/AMR vs McCormick

    Now my biggest question is what is amr gonna do with the Red rigs?
  15. DME107

    liberty ambulance

    I started as an emt at liberty. Honestly my experience was pretty good. In the beginning my schedule sucked but with time and getting to know people you can and will get a better schedule. As for management.... Well it's an ift company and management sucks. I never had an issue with getting time...